Week 9 (24.2.2014-28.2.2014)
24.2.2014 Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1M(2.00-3.10)1N(4.35-5.45)
Unit 3: Going Places
Theme: People
Topic: Going Places –Having Fun
Learning out-come: Language for interpersonal
1. To share and talk about
holiday destination based on pictures
2. To practise the vocabulary learned
3. To practise
the pronunciation of the vocabulary
4. To practise
sentence patterns learned for talking about holidays
Time: 80 minutes
Preparation: Student’s Handbook
: Creative notes for teachers
Resources: Page 17: Having
Page 41: Creative notes for teachers
Lesson Outline: Activity 1 – Trigger Your Senses
Activity 2 – My Dream holiday
Reflection: students can use the sentence patterns learned
for talking about their holiday
25.2.2014 Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1C(2.00-3.10)1H(3.25-4.35)
Unit 3: Going Places
Theme: People
Topic: Going Places –Having Fun
Learning out-come: Language for interpersonal
1. To share and talk about
holiday destination based on pictures
2. To practise the vocabulary learned
3. To practise
the pronunciation of the vocabulary
4. To practise
sentence patterns learned for talking about holidays
Time: 80 minutes
Preparation: Student’s Handbook
: Creative notes for teachers
Resources: Page 17: Having
Page 41: Creative notes for teachers
Lesson Outline: Activity 1 – Trigger Your Senses
Activity 2 – My Dream holiday
Reflection: students can use the sentence patterns learned
for talking about their holiday
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1N(5.10-6.20)
Unit 3: Going Places
Theme: People
Topic: Going Places –Having Fun
Learning out-come: Language for interpersonal
1. To share
and talk about holiday destination based on pictures
2. To practise
the vocabulary learned
3. To practise
the pronunciation of the vocabulary
To practise sentence patterns learned for talking about holidays
Time: 80 minutes
Preparation: Student’s Handbook
: Creative notes for teachers
Resources: Page 17:
Having Fun
41: Creative notes for teachers
Lesson Outline: Activity 1 – Trigger Your Senses
Activity 2 – My Dream holiday
Reflection: students can use the sentence patterns learned
for talking about their holiday
26.2.2014 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1C(12.50-1.25)1M(2.00-3.10)1H(5.10-5.45)
Unit 3: Going Places
Theme: People
Topic: Going Places –Fun in sharing
Learning out-come: Language for interpersonal
1. To actively
involve all students to use the language learned in this topic confidently
2. To practise
the vocabulary learned
3. To practise the
pronunciation of the vocabulary
4. To practise
sentence patterns learned
Time: 80 minutes
Preparation: Student’s Handbook
: Creative notes for teachers
Resources: Page 18:
Fun in sharing
Page 41: Creative notes for teachers
Lesson Outline: Activity 1 – Let’s plan a holiday
Activity 2 – Our class holiday
Reflection: students can use the sentence patterns learned for
talking about their holiday
27.2.2014 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1M(2.00-3.10)1C(3.25-4.35)1H(5.10-6.20)
Unit 3: Going Places
Theme: People
Topic: Going Places –Fun in sharing
Learning out-come: Language for interpersonal
1. To actively
involve all students to use the language learned in this topic confidently
2. To practise
the vocabulary learned
3. To practise the
pronunciation of the vocabulary
4. To practise
sentence patterns learned
Time: 80 minutes
Preparation: Student’s Handbook
: Creative notes for teachers
Resources: Page 18:
Fun in sharing
Page 41: Creative notes for teachers
Lesson Outline: Activity 1 – Let’s plan a holiday
Activity 2 – Our class holiday
Reflection: students can use the sentence patterns learned for
talking about their holiday
28.2.2014 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting1H(2.00-2.35)1C(3.10-3.45)1N(5.10-6.20)
Unit 4: Safe and Sound
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Safe and Sound - Stimulus
Learning out-come: Language for interpersonal
1. To activate background knowledge on
road signs
2. To talk
about road signs based on background knowledge.
3. To identify and talk about the
road signs in the picture.
4. To talk about the
road signs in their housing areas.
Time: 40 minutes
Preparation: Student’s Handbook
:Audio-video DVD
: Creative notes for teachers
Resources: Page 19:
Stimulus on road signs
Page 46-47: Creative notes for teachers
Lesson Outline: Activity 1 – What’s in the Title?
Activity 2 – Road Signs in the picture
Activity 3 – Road Signs
Around Us.
Activity 4 – individual Responses to Road Signs
Week 10 (3.3.2014-7.3.2014)
3.3.2014 Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1M(2.00-3.10)1N(4.35-5.45)
Unit 4: Safe and Sound
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Safe and Sound - Stimulus
Learning out-come: Language for interpersonal
1. To activate
background knowledge on road signs
2. To talk
about road signs based on background knowledge
3. To identify
and talk about the road signs in the picture.
4. To talk
about the road signs in their housing
Time: 40 minutes
Preparation: Student’s Handbook
:Audio-Video DVD
: Creative notes for teachers
Resources: Page 19:
Stimulus on road signs
Page 46-47: Creative notes for teachers
Lesson Outline: Activity 1 – What’s in the Title?
Activity 2 – Road Signs in the picture
Activity 3 – Road Signs Around Us
Activity 4 – Individual Responses to Road Signs
Reflection: students can understand the road signs on page
4.3.2014 Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1C(2.00-3.10)1H(3.25-4.35)
Unit 4: Safe and Sound
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Safe and Sound - Stimulus
Learning out-come: Language for interpersonal
1. To activate
background knowledge on road signs
2. To talk
about road signs based on background knowledge
3. To identify
and talk about the road signs in the picture.
4. To talk
about the road signs in their housing
Time: 40 minutes
Preparation: Student’s Handbook
:Audio-Video DVD
: Creative notes for teachers
Resources: Page 19:
Stimulus on road signs
Page 46-47: Creative notes for teachers
Lesson Outline: Activity 1 – What’s in the Title?
Activity 2 – Road Signs in the picture
Activity 3 – Road Signs Around Us
Activity 4 – Individual Responses to Road Signs
Reflection: students can understand the road signs on page
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1N(5.10-6.20)
Unit 4: Safe and Sound
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Safe and Sound - Stimulus
Learning out-come: Language for interpersonal
1. To activate
background knowledge on road signs
2. To talk
about road signs based on background knowledge
3. To identify
and talk about the road signs in the picture.
4. To talk about the road signs
in their housing areas
Time: 40 minutes
Preparation: Student’s Handbook
:Audio-Video DVD
: Creative notes for teachers
Resources: Page 19:
Stimulus on road signs
Page 46-47: Creative notes for teachers
Lesson Outline: Activity 1 – What’s in the Title?
Activity 2 – Road Signs in the picture
Activity 3 – Road Signs Around Us
Activity 4 – Individual Responses to Road Signs
Reflection: students can understand the road signs on page
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(12.50-2.00)1F(5.10-6.20)
Unit 4: Safe and Sound
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Safe and Sound - Stimulus
Learning out-come: Language for interpersonal
1. To activate
background knowledge on road signs
2. To talk
about road signs based on background knowledge
3. To identify
and talk about the road signs in the picture.
4. To talk about the road signs
in their housing areas
Time: 40 minutes
Preparation: Student’s Handbook
:Audio-Video DVD
: Creative notes for teachers
Resources: Page 19:
Stimulus on road signs
Page 46-47: Creative notes for teachers
Lesson Outline: Activity 1 – What’s in the Title?
Activity 2 – Road Signs in the picture
Activity 3 – Road Signs Around Us
Activity 4 – Individual Responses to Road Signs
Reflection: students can understand the road signs on page
5.3.2014 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1C(12.50-1.25)1M(2.00-3.10)1H(5.10-5.45)
Unit 4: Safe and Sound
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Safe and Sound – Building Blocks
Learning out-come: Language for interpersonal
1. To name and say aloud
the road signs
2. To build
3. To pronounce
the targeted
Time: 40 minutes
Preparation: Student’s Handbook
:Audio-Video DVD
: Creative notes for teachers
Resources: Page 20:
Building Blocks(Safe and Sound)
Page 48-49: Creative notes for teachers
Lesson Outline: Activity 1 – Name the Road Signs
Activity 2 – Listen and Say Aloud the Road Signs
Activity 3 – Guess the Road Signs
Reflection: students can guess 80% of the road signs
6.3.2014 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1M(2.00-3.10)1C(3.25-4.35)1H(5.10-6.20)
Unit 4: Safe and Sound
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Safe and Sound – Building Blocks
Learning out-come: Language for interpersonal
1. To name and say aloud
the road signs
2. To build
3. To pronounce
the targeted
Time: 40 minutes
Preparation: Student’s Handbook
:Audio-Video DVD
: Creative notes for teachers
Resources: Page 20:
Building Blocks(Safe and Sound)
Page 48-49: Creative notes for teachers
Lesson Outline: Activity 1 – Name the Road Signs
Activity 2 – Listen and Say Aloud the Road Signs
Activity 3 – Guess the Road Signs
Reflection: students can guess 80% of the road signs
7.3.2014 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1H(2.00-2.35)1C(3.10-3.45)1N(5.10-6.20)
Unit 4: Safe and Sound
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Safe and Sound – Language in use
Learning out-come: Language for interpersonal
1. To learn the sentence patterns for
expressing safe and unsafe practise on the road
2. To practise
the sentence patterns related to road safety
Time: 80 minutes
Preparation: Student’s Handbook
:Audio-Video DVD
: Creative notes for teachers
Resources: Page 21:
Language in use
Page 50-51: Creative notes for teachers
Lesson Outline: Activity 1 – Right or Wrong?
Activity 2 – Pause and Practise
Reflection: students can say safe and unsafe that they see in
the pictures 1-4 on page 21
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