Week 13 (26.3.2012-30.3.2012)
26.3.2012 Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(3.23-4.00)1M(4.35-5.10)
Theme: Literature
Topic: Short Story – 'FLIPPING FASTASTIC'
Learning out-come: Aesthetic
1. Elements - setting
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. Describe setting of the story
Lesson Development: 1. Reading – the story
2. Tr. discuss the setting of the story
Conclusion: Write notes.
CCTS: gather information
Moral value: understanding
Language content s: past tense
ABM: Short story.
Reflection: Students like the story
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2A(2.00-3.10)2I(5.10-6.20)
Theme: Environment
Topic: Give Us Space to Run and Play
Learning outcome: Language for interpersonal
Level 1. 1. Express satisfaction and dissatisfaction on playground in one playground
in one's neighbourhood .
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to
1. express satisfaction and dissatisfaction on playground.
Lesson development: 1. Introduction – talk about space to run and play
2. Listen and discuss the topic
3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: written ex.
CCTS: scanning for details
AVA: text book
Language content: Simple present tense
Moral: Love for environment
Reflection: Students can answer all the questions.
27.3.2012 Hari Selesa
Pendidikan Moral Ting. 3E(2.00-3.10)
Bidang Pembelajaran: Nilai Berkaitan Dengan Perkembangan Diri
Nilai: 1.9 Kasih Sayang
Tema: Sayangi diri hargai kehidupan
Tajuk: Hidup Bermakna Tanpa AIDS
Hasil Pembelajaran: Kognitif : Mengenal pasti punca jangkitan HIV atau AIDS.
Afektif: Menyayangi diri dengan menjauhi gejala yang boleh menyebabkan HIV atau AIDS.
Perlakuan: Melibatkan diri dalam usaha membantu penghidup HIV atau AIDS
Pendekatan : Pemupukan Nilai
Teknik : i. Penerangan
II. Aktiviti kumpulan berbincang tentang Hidup Bermakna Tanpa AIDS
III.Pelajar bincang tentang sikap tentang hidup bermakna tanpa aids
Refleksi : Pelajar dapat jawab semua soalan 1-4
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2I (3.25-4.00)
Theme: Environment
Topic: Give Us Space to Run and Play
Learning outcome: Language for interpersonal
Level 1. 2. Participate in discussion by agreeing with or disagreeing with the opinions of
Of residents of Taman Sri Jaya
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to
1. give opinions on the conditions of the playground
Lesson development: 1. Introduction – talk about the conditions of playground
2. Express feelings of the dissatisfactions about the playground
3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: written ex.
CCTS: scanning for details
AVA: text book
Language content: Simple present tense
Moral: Love for environment
Reflection: Students can answer all the questions.
28.3.2012 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(12.50)1M(5.10-6.20)
Theme: Literature
Topic: Short Story – 'FLIPPING FASTASTIC'
Learning out-come: Aesthetic
1. Elements – Themes, Values, and literary devices
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. Describe the themes, values, and literary devices of the story
Lesson Development: 1. Reading – the story
2. Tr. discuss the themes, values and literary of the story
Conclusion: Write notes.
CCTS: gather information
Moral value: understanding
Language content s: past tense
ABM: Short story.
Reflection: Students like the story
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2A(2.00-3.10)
Theme: Environment
Topic: Give Us Space to Run and Play
Learning outcome: Language for interpersonal
Level 1. 2. Participate in discussion by agreeing with or disagreeing with the opinions of
Of residents of Taman Sri Jaya
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to
1. give opinions on the conditions of the playground
Lesson development: 1. Introduction – talk about the conditions of playground
2. Express feelings of the dissatisfactions about the playground
3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: written ex.
CCTS: scanning for details
AVA: text book
Language content: Simple present tense
Moral: Love for environment
Reflection: Students can answer all the questions.
29.3.2012 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1M(12.50-2.00)
Theme: Literature
Topic: Short Story – 'FLIPPING FASTASTIC'
Learning out-come: Aesthetic
1. Elements – Themes, Values, and literary devices
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. Describe the themes, values, and literary devices of the story
Lesson Development: 1. Reading – the story
2. Tr. discuss the themes, values and literary of the story
Conclusion: Write notes.
CCTS: gather information
Moral value: understanding
Language content s: past tense
ABM: Short story.
Reflection: Students like the story
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.2I(4.35-5.45)2A(5.45-6.20)
Theme: Environment
Topic: Give Us Space to Run and Play
Learning outcome: Language for informational
Level 1. Read and understand a talk on the importance of play to children.
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to
1. read and understand the text
Lesson development: 1. Introduction – talk about exercise for children.
2. Read the talk on page 76 from their textbook
3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: written ex.
CCTS: scanning for details
AVA: text book
Language content: Simple present tense
Moral: the importance of exercise
Reflection: Students can answer all the questions.
30.3.2012 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(4.00-5.10)
Theme: Literature
Topic: Short Story – 'FLIPPING FASTASTIC'
Learning out-come: Aesthetic
1. Elements – Themes, Values, and literary devices
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. Describe the themes, values, and literary devices of the story
Lesson Development: 1. Reading – the story
2. Tr. discuss the themes, values and literary of the story
Conclusion: Write notes.
CCTS: gather information
Moral value: understanding
Language content s: past tense
ABM: Short story.
Reflection: Students like the story
Pendidikan Moral Ting. 3E(2.00-3.10)
Bidang Pembelajaran: Nilai Berkaitan Dengan Perkembangan Diri
Nilai: 1.9 Kasih Sayang
Tema: Sayangi diri hargai kehidupan
Tajuk: Hidup Bermakna Tanpa AIDS – Ikitbar Bersama
Hasil Pembelajaran: Kognitif : Mengenal pasti punca jangkitan HIV atau AIDS.
Afektif: Menyayangi diri dengan menjauhi gejala yang boleh menyebabkan HIV atau AIDS.
Perlakuan: Melibatkan diri dalam usaha membantu penghidup HIV atau AIDS
Pendekatan : Pemupukan Nilai
Teknik : i. Penerangan
II. Aktiviti kumpulan berbincang tentang Ikitbar bersama
III.Pelajar bincang tentang surat yang terdapat di m/s 50
Refleksi : Pelajar dapat jawab semua soalan 1-3
Week 14 (2.4.2012-6.2.2012)
2.4.2012 Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(3.25-4.00)1M(4.35-5.10)
Theme: Environment
Topic: What A Wonderful World!
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
Level 2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest
Language for informational
Level 1. Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. read and understand the articles
2. complete the exercises given
Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment
2. Read and understand the passage.
3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: extracting ideas
Moral value: co-operation
ABM: Reference books
Language content: present tense
Reflection: students can talk on cleanliness of environment- their school compound.
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.2A(2.00-3.10)2I(5.10-6.20)
Theme: Environment
Topic: Give Us Space to Run and Play
Learning outcome: Language for informational
Level 1. Read and understand a letter to the editor in The People's Press.
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to
1. read and understand the text
Lesson development: 1. Introduction – talk children's playground.
2. Read the letter silently.
3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: written ex.
CCTS: scanning for details
AVA: text book
Language content: Simple present tense
Moral: the importance of exercise
Reflection: Students can answer all the questions.
3.4.2012 Hari Selasa
Pendidikan Moral Ting. 3E(2.00-3.10)
Bidang Pembelajaran: Nilai Berkaitan Dengan Perkembangan Diri
Nilai: 1.10 Keadilan
Tema: Pemerintahan yang adil, rakyat sejahtera.
Tajuk: Pembangunan untuk semua menjamin kemakmuran negera.
Hasil Pembelajaran: Kognitif : Menyedari kepentingan prinsip keadilan demi kesejahteraan Negara.
Afektif: Mengenal pasti kemudahan oleh kerajaan.
Perlakuan: Menghargai kemudahan yang disediakan.
Pendekatan : Pemupukan Nilai
Teknik : i. Penerangan
II. Aktiviti kumpulan berbincang tentang tajuk yang beri.
III.Pelajar bincang tentang soalan –soalan yang terdapat dalam teks
Refleksi : Pelajar dapat jawab semua soalan 1-4
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.2I(3.25-4.00)
Theme: Environment
Topic: Give Us Space to Run and Play
Learning outcome: Language for informational
Level 1. Read and understand a letter to the editor in The People's Press.
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to
1. write 5 sentences to express dissatisfaction about the playground.
Lesson development: 1.Revise the previous lesson.
2. Express dissatisfaction about the playground
3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: written ex.
CCTS: express dissatisfaction
AVA: text book
Language content: Simple present tense
Moral: the importance of exercise
Reflection: Students can write 5 good sentences for the topic.
4.4.2012 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(12.50-2.00)1M(5.10-6.20)
Topic: What A Wonderful World!
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
Level 2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest
Language for informational
Level 2. Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. talk about pollutions
2. give reasons to reduce harm to the environment
Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment
2. Refer to picture and talk about the causes of pollution
3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: skimming and scanning
Moral value: co-operation
ABM: Reference books
Language content: present tense
Reflection: students can talk about pollutions well.
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.2A(2.00-3.10)
Theme: Environment
Topic: Give Us Space to Run and Play
Learning outcome: Language for informational
Level 1. Read and understand a letter to the editor in The People's Press.
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to
1. write 5 sentences to express dissatisfaction about the playground.
Lesson development: 1.Revise the previous lesson.
2. Express dissatisfaction about the playground
3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: written ex.
CCTS: express dissatisfaction
AVA: text book
Language content: Simple present tense
Moral: the importance of exercise
Reflection: Students can write 5 good sentences for the topic.
5.4.2012 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1M(12.50-2.00)
Topic: What A Wonderful World!
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
Level 2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest
Language for informational
Level 2. Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. talk about pollutions
2. give reasons to reduce harm to the environment
Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment
2. Refer to picture and talk about the causes of pollution
3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: skimming and scanning
Moral value: co-operation
ABM: Reference books
Language content: present tense
Reflection: students can write a short paragraph about water pollution.
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.2I(4.35-5.45)2I)5.45-6.20)
Theme: Environment
Topic: Give Us Space to Run and Play
Learning outcome: Language for informational
Level . 3 Write a simple account on a gotong-royong activity.
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to
1. write a simple essay about gotong-royong to clean the children's playground.
Lesson development: 1.Brainstorming-about gotong-royong
2. Tr. writes important notes on the b/b.
3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: written ex.
CCTS: writing
AVA: text book
Language content: Simple present tense
Moral: express appreciation
Reflection: Students can write a simple essay about gotong-royong.
5.4.2012 Hari Jumaat
1 comment:
Cikgu Edmund,
Terima kasih
masih dipersada alam maya pendidikan
syabas dan tahniah
semoga ia terus bernyala dan gagah
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