Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rph minggu 11-12


Week 11 (10-3-2012-18.3.2012)

Cuti Pertengahan Penggal 1


Week 12 (19-3-2012-23.3.2012)

19.3.2012 Hari Isnin

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(3.25-4.00)1M(4.35-5.10)

Theme: Literature

Topic: Short Story – 'FLIPPING FASTASTIC'

Learning out-come: Aesthetic

1. Introduce the title, author and synopsis of the story

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. Understand the title of the story.

2. Know the outline of the story.

Lesson Development: 1. Introduction – the title of the story, the author.

2. Tr. gives a brief outline of the story

3. Reading – the story.

Conclusion: Write notes.

CCTS: gather information

Moral value: understanding

Language content s: past tense

ABM: Short Story

Reflection: Students like the story


Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2A(2.00-3.10)2I(5.10-6.20)

Theme: Environment

Topic: Flood Woes

Learning outcome: Language for interpersonal

Level 1. 1. Ask questions to information

2. Answer questions and give details.

Objectives of the lesson: at the end of the lesson pupils are able to

1. Talk about water pollution and its effects our health

2. Talk about the future

Lesson development: 1. Introduction – explain what is water pollution.

2. Obtain specific information and effects on water pollution

affects our health.

3. Give a futuristic living

4. Write composition

Language content: simple present tense

CCTS: cause and effects

AVA: text book

Moral: Love for environment

Conclusion: complete mind map

Reflection: Students can understand water pollution and its effects on human.


20.3.2012 Hari Selasa

Pendidikan Moral Ting. 3E(2.00-3.10)

Bidang Pembelajaran: Nilai Berkaitan Dengan Perkembangan Diri

Nilai: 1.8 Kerajinan

Tema: Usaha berterusan menjamin kecemerlangan

Tajuk: Kerajinan Penentu kejayaan

Hasil Pembelajaran: Kognitif : Mengetahui bahawa kejayaan boleh dicapai melalui usaha berterusan.

Afektif: Mencontohi sikap indiividu yang telah Berjaya.

Perlakuan: Mengamalkan sikap kerajinan untuk mencapai kejayaan.


Pendekatan : Pemupukan Nilai

Teknik : i. Penerangan

II. Aktiviti kumpulan berbincang tentang kerajinan penentu kejayaan

III.Pelajar bincang bagaimanakah mereka dapat berusaha untuk mendapat kecemerlangan

Refleksi : Pelajar dapat bentang tentang faktor yang boleh mendorong mereka mendapat kecemerlangan.


Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2I(3.25-4.00)

Theme: Environment

Topic: Flood Woes

Learning outcome: Language for informational

Level 1. 1. Read and understand an Internet article on flash floods

2. Scan for details

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils are able to

1. Read and understand an article on flash floods

Lesson development: 1. Introduction – explain what is water pollution.

2. Read and discuss the topic

3. Oral ex.

Language content: Simple present tense

Conclusion: written ex.

CCTS: scanning for details

AVA: text book

Moral: Love for environment

Reflection: Satisfactory


21.3.2012 Hari Rabu

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(12.50-2.00)1M(5.10-6.20)

Theme: Literature

Topic: Short Story – 'FLIPPING FASTASTIC'

Learning out-come: Aesthetic

1. Introduce the setting and characters of the story

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. Understand the setting of the story.

2. Know the characters of the story.

Lesson Development: 1. Introduce the setting of the story.

2. Tr. talks about the characters

3. Reading – the story

Conclusion: Write notes.

CCTS: gather information

Moral value: understanding

Language content s: past tense

ABM: Short Story

Reflection: Students can understand the story


Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2A(2.00-3.10)

Theme: Environment

Topic: Flood Woes

Learning outcome: Language for informational

Level 1. 1. Read and understand an Internet article on flash floods

2. Scan for details

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils are able to

1. Read and understand an article on flash floods

Lesson development: 1. Introduction – explain what is water pollution.

2. Read and discuss the topic

3. Oral ex.

Language content: Simple present tense

Conclusion: written ex.

CCTS: scanning for details

AVA: text book

Moral: Love for environment

Reflection: Students can answer all the questions given.


22.3.2012 Hari Khamis

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1M(12.50-2.00)

Theme: Literature

Topic: Short Story – 'FLIPPING FASTASTIC'

Learning out-come: Aesthetic

1. Describe each character, quoting evidence from the text.

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. Describe the characters in the story

Lesson Development: 1. Reading – the story

2. Tr. gives description of the characters orally

Conclusion: Write notes.

CCTS: gather information

Moral value: understanding

Language content s: past tense

ABM: Short story.

Reflection: Students like the story


Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2L, 2M

Theme: Environment

Topic: Flood Woes

Learning outcome: Language for informational

Level 1. 1. Listen to a news bulletin on the after-effects of a

flash flood.

2. Tell what the text is about.

3. Note important details

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to

1. Listen and understand to a news bulletin on the after-

effects of a flash flood.

Lesson development: 1. Introduction – explain what is flash flood

2. Listen and discuss the topic

3. Oral ex.

Language content: Simple present tense

Conclusion: written ex.

CCTS: scanning for details

AVA: text book

Moral: Love for environment

Reflection: Students can answer all the questions.


23.3.2012 Hari Jumaat

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(4.00-5.10)

Theme: Literature

Topic: Short Story – 'FLIPPING FASTASTIC'

Learning out-come: Aesthetic

1. Describe each character, quoting evidence from the text.

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. Describe the characters in the story

Lesson Development: 1. Reading – the story

2. Tr. gives description of the characters orally

Conclusion: Write notes.

CCTS: gather information

Moral value: understanding

Language content s: past tense

ABM: Short story.

Reflection: Students like the story


Pendidikan Moral Ting. 3E(2.00-3.10)

Bidang Pembelajaran: Nilai Berkaitan Dengan Perkembangan Diri

Nilai: 1.8 Kerajinan

Tema: Usaha berterusan menjamin kecemerlangan

Tajuk: Kerajinan Penentu kejayaan

Hasil Pembelajaran: Kognitif : Mengetahui bahawa kejayaan boleh dicapai melalui usaha berterusan.

Afektif: Mencontohi sikap indiividu yang telah Berjaya.

Perlakuan: Mengamalkan sikap kerajinan untuk mencapai kejayaan.


Pendekatan : Pemupukan Nilai

Teknik : i. Penerangan

II. Aktiviti kumpulan berbincang tentang kejayaan Susan a/p Achom

III.Pelajar bincang tentang sikap yang diamalkan oleh belia.

Refleksi : Pelajar dapat nyatakan sikap yang di amalkan oleh Susan a/p Achom




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