Saturday, March 10, 2012


Week 9 27.2.2012-3.3.2012

27.2.2012 Hari Isnin

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(3.25-4.00)1M(4.35-5.10)

Theme: Environment

Topic: It All Starts At Home

Learning out-come: Language focus

Giving instructions

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. Give instructions on how to make a finger puppet.

Lesson Development: 1. Brainstorming on the topic given.

3. Oral ex.

Conclusion: Written ex.

CCTS : gather information

Moral value: understanding

Language content s: giving instructions

ABM: textbook, pictures

Reflection: students can give instructions.



Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2A(2.00-3.10)2I(5.10-6.20)

Theme: Literature

Topic: Short Story – 'One Is One and All Alone'

Learning out-come: Aesthetic

1. Discuss the characters in the story.

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. describe the characters in the story

Lesson Development: 1. Discuss the characters orally

2. Tr. writes the notes on the blackboard

Conclusion: Write notes.

CCTS: gather information

Moral value: human cloning is bad

Language content s: present tense

ABM: Short story.

Reflection: Students like the story

28.2.2012 Hari Selasa

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2I(3.25-4.00)

Theme: Literature

Topic: Short Story – 'One Is One and All Alone'

Learning out-come: Aesthetic

1. Discuss the themes and issues in the story.

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. Describe the themes and issues in the story

Lesson Development: 1. Discuss the themes and issues orally

2. Tr. writes the notes on the blackboard

Conclusion: Write notes.

CCTS: gather information

Moral value: human cloning is bad

Language content s: present tense

ABM: Short story.

Reflection: Students like the story


Pendidikan Moral Ting. 3E(2.00-3.10)

Bidang Pembelajaran: Nilai Berkaitan Dengan Perkembangan Diri

Nilai: 1.5. Tolerasi

Tema: Tolerasi kunci penyesalaian konflik.

Tajuk: Tolerasi kunci kedamaian

Hasil Pembelajaran: Kognitif : Mengenalpasti cirri amalan tolerasi.

Afektif: Mengetahui kepentingan sikap tolerasi dalam kehidupan.

Perlakuan: Mengamalkan sikap tolerasi dalam penyelesaian.

Pendekatan : Pemupukan Nilai

Teknik : i. Penerangan

II. Aktiviti kumpulan berbincang tentang pengurusan konflik yang berkesan.

III.Buat latihan di muka surat 32 soalan 1-4

Refleksi : Pelajar dapat jawab soalan dengan idea yang baik


29.2.2012 Hari Rabu

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(12.50-2.00)1M(5.10-6.20)

Theme: Environment

Topic: Do You Care Enough?

Learning outcomes: Language for informational

Level 2. 1. Listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches, and texts

from other multimedia sources .

2. Skimming and scanning for specific information

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. Skim and scan for specific information

2. Complete the exercise given.

Lesson development: 1.Listen to a conversation

2. Discussion

3. Oral ex.

Conclusion: Written ex.

CCTS: extracting ideas

Moral value: Co-operation

ABM: textbook

Language content: present tense

Reflection: Students understand the text and do the ex. correctly


Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2A(2.00-3.10)

Theme: Literature

Topic: Short Story – 'One Is One and All Alone'

Learning out-come: Aesthetic

1. Discuss the themes and issues in the story.

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. Describe the themes and issues in the story

Lesson Development: 1. Discuss the themes and issues orally

2. Tr. writes the notes on the blackboard

Conclusion: Write notes.

CCTS: gather information

Moral value: human cloning is bad

Language content s: present tense

ABM: Short story.

Reflection: Students like the story


1.3.2012 Hari Khamis

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1M(12.50-2.00)

Theme: Environment

Topic: Do You Care Enough?

Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal

Level 2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest

Language for informational

Level 1. Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic


Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. read and understand the articles

2. complete the exercises given

Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment (My school, my home)

2. Read and understand the passage.

3. Oral ex.

Conclusion: Written ex.

CCTS: extracting ideas

Moral value: co- operation

ABM: textbook

Language content: present tense

Reflection: students read and understand the passage and do the ex. given


Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2I(4.35-5.35)2A(5.35-6.20)

Theme: Literature

Topic: Short Story – 'One Is One and All Alone'

Learning out-come: Aesthetic

1. Discuss the literary techniques present in the story.

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. understand the literary techniques present in the story.

Lesson Development: 1. Discuss the literary techniques orally.

2. Tr. writes the notes on the blackboard

Conclusion: Write notes.

CCTS: gather information

Moral value: human cloning is bad

Language content s: present tense

ABM: Short story.

Reflection: Students like the story


2.3.2012 Hari Jumaat

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(4.00-5.10)

Theme: Environment

Topic: Do You Care Enough?

Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal

Level 2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest

Language for informational

Level 1. Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic


Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. read and understand the articles

2. complete the exercises given

Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment (My school, my home)

2. Read and understand the passage.

3. Oral ex.

Conclusion: Written ex.

CCTS: extracting ideas

Moral value: co- operation

ABM: textbook

Language content: present tense

Reflection: students read and understand the passage and do the ex. given


Pendidikan Moral Ting. 3E(2.00-3.10)

Bidang Pembelajaran: Nilai Berkaitan Dengan Perkembangan Diri

Nilai: 1.6 Berdikari

Tema: Sikap berdikari asas kecemerlangan

Tajuk: Berdikari Tangga Kejayaan

Hasil Pembelajaran: Kognitif : Memahami konsep berdikari untuk mencapai kejayaan .

Afektif: Menyedari kepentingan sikap berdikari untuk mencapai kejayaan.

Perlakuan: Berdikari untuk melaksanakan tugas dengan cemerlang tanpa bantuan

orang lain.

Pendekatan : Pemupukan Nilai

Teknik : i. Penerangan

II. Aktiviti kumpulan berbincang tentang berdikari tangga kejayaan.

III.Buat latihan di muka surat 36 soalan 1-4

Refleksi : Pelajar dapat jawab soalan dengan idea yang baik



3.3.2012 Hari Sabtu(gantian 2-Hari Jumaat -27.1.2012)

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(4.00-5.10)

Theme: Environment

Topic: Do You Care Enough?

Learning outcomes: Language for informational

Level 2. Writing announcements- using appropriate format and


Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. skim and scan for specific information

2. write an announcement for beautify the class

Lesson development: 1.Listen to a conversation again

2. Discussion

3. Oral ex.

Conclusion: Written ex.

CCTS: Writing

Moral value: co-operation

ABM: textbook

Language content: present tense

Reflection: Students can write a short announcement for the class.


Pendidikan Moral Ting. 3E(2.00-3.10)

Bidang Pembelajaran: Nilai Berkaitan Dengan Perkembangan Diri

Nilai: 1.6 Berdikari

Tema: Sikap berdikari asas kecemerlangan

Tajuk: Berdikari Tangga Kejayaan

Hasil Pembelajaran: Kognitif : Memahami konsep berdikari untuk mencapai kejayaan .

Afektif: Menyedari kepentingan sikap berdikari untuk mencapai kejayaan.

Perlakuan: Berdikari untuk melaksanakan tugas dengan cemerlang tanpa bantuan

orang lain.

Pendekatan : Pemupukan Nilai

Teknik : i. Penerangan

II. Aktiviti kumpulan berbincang tentang sikap seorang usahawan yang Berjaya.

III.Pelajar bincang bagaimanakah mereka dapat berjaya dalam bidang yang mereka ceburi.

Refleksi : Pelajar dapat bentang tentang faktor yang boleh mendorong kejayaan mereka.


Week 10 (5.3.2012-9.3.2012)

5.3.2012 Hari Isnin

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(3.25-4.00)1M(4.35-5.10)

Theme: Literature

Topic: Poem – Mr. Nobody

Learning out-come: Aesthetic

Level 1. Reciting poem with feeling and expression

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. Read and recite the poem

2. Know the meanings of the words used in the poem

Lesson Development: 1. Introduction of the poem.

2. Tr. reads the poem aloud

3. Students listen and then read the poem

4. Recite the poem

Conclusion: Write notes

CCTS: recite

Moral value: understanding

Language content: poetry

ABM: Poem

Reflection: Students can understand and recite the poem


Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2A(2.00-3.10)2I(5.10-6.20)

Theme: Literature

Topic: Short Story – 'One Is One and All Alone'

Learning out-come: Aesthetic

1. Discuss the themes and issues in the story.

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. describe the themes and issues in the story

Lesson Development: 1. Discuss the themes and issues orally

2. Tr. writes the notes on the blackboard

Conclusion: Write notes.

CCTS: gather information

Moral value: human cloning is bad

Language content s: present tense

ABM: Short story.

Reflection: Students like the story



6.3.2012 Hari Selasa

Pendidikan Moral Ting. 3E(2.00-3.10)




Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2I(3.25-4.00)

Theme: Literature

Topic: Short Story – 'One Is One and All Alone'

Learning out-come: Aesthetic

1. Review the story.

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. understand and do the exercise given.

Lesson Development: 1. Retell the story by the students.

2. Tr. writes the important events and notes on the blackboard

Conclusion: Written ex.

CCTS: gather information

Moral value: human cloning is bad

Language content s: present tense

ABM: Short story.

Reflection: Students like the story


7.3.2012 Hari Rabu

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(12.50-2.00)1M(5.10-6.20)

Theme: Literature

Topic: Poem – Mr. Nobody

Learning out-come: Aesthetic

Level 1. Reciting poem with feeling and expression

Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. Read and recite the poem

2. Know the meanings of the words used in the poem

Lesson Development: 1. Recite the poem

2. Tr. explains poem - stanzas – one by one

Conclusion: Write notes

CCTS: recite

Moral value: understanding

Language content s: poetry

ABM: Poem

Reflection: students can read and recite the poem well.


Bahasa Inggeris Ting.2A(2.00-3.10)

Ujian 1


8.3.2012 Hari Khamis

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1M(12.50-2.00)

Ujian 1


Bahasa Inggeris Ting.21(4.35-5.45)

Ujian 1


9.3.2012 Hari Jumaat

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(4.00-5.10)

Ujian 1


Pendidikan Moral Ting. 3E(2.00-3.10)







1 comment:

Bujang Saili Sirat said...

RPH Minggu 9-10 disiapkan.