Sunday, February 5, 2012


Week 4 (23.1.2012-27.1.2012)

23.1.2012 Hari Isnin

Cuti CNY


24.1.2012 Hari Selasa

Cuti CNY


25.1.2012 Hari Rabu

Cuti Peristiwa


26.1.2012 Hari Khamis

Cuti Berganti 1


27.1.2012 Hari Jumaat

Cuti Berganti 2


Week 5 (30.1.2012-3.2.2012)

30.1.2012 Hari Isnin

Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1D(3.25-4.00)1M(4.35-5.10)

Theme: People

Topic: Family Ties

Learning out-come: Language for information

Level 1: Talk about oneself, family, friends' interests, past events and feelings and

understand themselves when they talk about others.

Language for informational

Level 1. 1. Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic

2. Listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches,

Texts from multimedia sources

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. Talk about one self, family, friends' interests.

2. Use dictionaries

Lesson Development: 1. Silent reading

2. Discussion - vocab. and oral ex.

Conclusion: Written ex.

CCTS: Skimming and scanning for information

Moral value: Co-operation

Language content: present tense

ABM: Textbook, Reference books.

Reflection: Students can do the ex.


Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 2A(2.00-3.10)2I(5.10-6.20)

Theme: People

Topic: Villager and their livelihood

Learning outcome: Language for interpersonal use

Level 1: 1. Talk about cottage industries in Malaysia

2. Spell it right

3. Ask politely for information

Level 2: Language for informational use read and understand an

article on one's ambition.

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. Tell five known cottage industries in Malaysia

2. Write 10 polite requests using WH words

Lesson development: 1 .WH questions and answers on 5 cottage industries in 5 states

2. Write polite requests on cottage industries using WH words

Conclusion: written ex.

Moral values: politeness

Language contents: subject verb agreement

Resources: textbook

Reflection: students can understand and use subject verb agreement for their written ex.


31.1.2012 Hari Selasa

Bahasa Inggeris 2I(3.25-4.00)

Theme: People

Topic: Villagers and their livelihood

Learning out-comes: Language for informational

Level 2. 1. Identify supporting details

2. Sequence ideals

Lesson development: 1. Refer to picture depicting a person making a clay pot on a

Potter's wheel

2. Read an art club bulletin board an pottery making

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1 .sequence events

Thinking skills: identifying key ideas

Moral values: appreciation

Conclusion: write passive construction

Resources: photograph and flyer

Reflection: Students can write passive construction from the article given.


1.2.2012 Hari Rabu

Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1D(12.50-2.00)1M(5.10-6.20)

Theme: People

Topic: Family Ties

Learning out-come: Grammar

Prepositions- prepositions of place

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to

1. Use prepositions of place correctly

Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place-

on, near, in, under, in front of, near to/by

2. Give examples and drilling

3. Oral Ex

Conclusion: Written ex

CCTS: Identify prepositions of place

Moral value: Co-operation

Language content; prepositions of places

ABM: Textbook, Reference books

Reflection: Students can understand and complete the ex.


Bahasa Inggeris 2A(2.00-3.10)

Theme: People

Topic: Villagers and their livelihood

Learning out-comes: Language for informational

Level 2. 1. Identify supporting details

2. Sequence ideals

Lesson development: 1. Refer to picture depicting a person making a clay pot on a

Potter's wheel

2. Read an art club bulletin board an pottery making

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1 .sequence events

Thinking skills: identifying key ideas

Moral values: appreciation

Conclusion: write passive construction

Resources: photograph and flyer

Reflection:Students can write passive construction from the article given.


2.2.2012 Hari Khamis

Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan Ting. 1M(12.50-2.00)

Theme: People

Topic: Family Ties

Learning out-come: Grammar

Simple present tense.

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to

1. Use simple present tense correctly

2. Complexion of text using simple present tense

Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of simple present tense

2. Give examples

3. Drilling

Conclusion: Written ex

CCTS: identify

Moral value: Co-operation

Language content: simple present tenses

ABM: Textbook, Reference book

Reflection: students can understand and complete the text correctly.


Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2I(3.25-4.35)

Theme: People

Topic: Famous Faces

Learning outcome: Language for informational

Level 1. Read and understand an article on a remarkable man.

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. Identify adjective, used to describe remarkable Malaysian leader.

Lesson development: 1. Flash a photo of a young Dr. Mahathir

2. Discuss why the man is famous

3. Talk about his enormous contribution to Malaysia.

Conclusion: Take dictation

CCTS: identify adjectives

Moral values: grateful

Language contents: adjective.

Resources: textbook

Reflection: Students can use adjectives to describe the famous people found in the text.


3.2.2012 Hari Jumaat

Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan Ting. 1M(2.00-3.10)

Theme: People

Topic: Family Ties

Learning out-come: Grammar

Simple present tense.

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to

1. Use simple present tense correctly

2. Complexion of text using simple present tense

Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of simple present tense

2. Give examples

3. Drilling

Conclusion: Written ex

CCTS: identify

Moral value: Co-operation

Language content: simple present tenses

ABM: Textbook, Reference book

Reflection: students can understand and complete the text correctly.


Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2A(4.00-5.10))

Theme: People

Topic: Famous Faces

Learning outcome: Language for informational

Level 1. Read and understand an article on a remarkable man.

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. Identify adjective, used to describe remarkable Malaysian leader.

Lesson development: 1. Flash a photo of a young Dr. Mahathir

2. Discuss why the man is famous

3. Talk about his enormous contribution to Malaysia.

Conclusion: Take dictation

CCTS: identify adjectives

Moral values: grateful

Language contents: adjective.

Resources: textbook

Reflection: Students can use adjectives to describe the famous people found in the text.



1 comment:

youngatheart said...

RPH sehingga minggu 5 sahaja.
