RPH MINGGU 30-31 (25.7.2011-5.8.2011)
25.7.2011 Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1I(1.25-2.00)1A(5.10)
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Safe Living
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
Level 1. Exchanging ideas and giving opinion on topics of interest.
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. understand the rules for safety
Lesson development: 1. Brainstorming on the topic- safe Living.
2. Read dialogue.
3. Oral, vocab. Answer short questions
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: Extracting ideas
Moral value: safety
ABM: Reference books, textbook
Language content: past tense
Reflection: students can mention safe environment.
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2L(12.50-1.25)2K(2.00-2.35)
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Time is Gold
Learning out -come: Grammar
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. Use contractions
Lesson development: 1. Introduce contractions (short forms)
2. Read out sentences with contractions
3. Rewrite sentences replacing the full form with contraction
Conclusion: Write a dialogue with multiple contractions
CCTS: identify
Moral value: polite
ABM: textbook
Language content: simple present tense,
Reflection: students can understand and contraction in their ex.
26.7.2011 Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1I(2.00-3.10)
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Safe Living
Learning out-comes: Language for informational
Level 2. 1. Listen to spoken texts such as talks, speeches and texts from
other multimedia sources.
2. Write instructions using correct format and conventions.
. Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. understand the texts on safety rules
2. write and match the rules against the pictures.
Lesson development: 1. Brainstorming on the topic- safe Living.
2. Listen to texts on safety rules
3. Oral, vocab.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: Writing safety rules
Moral value: safety
ABM: Reference books, textbook
Language content: past tense
Reflection: students can apply what they read on safety rules for their daily life.
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2L(12.50-2.00)2K(5.45-6.20)
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Time is Gold
Learning out- come: Grammar
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. article 'the' at the appropriate place
Lesson development: 1. Explains an article 'an' is applicable to nouns beginning with vowels.
2. Nouns beginning with consonants use article 'a' e.g. a book
3. Article 'the' is used with a proper noun or noun that has been
mention earlier
4. Oral drill
Conclusion: Put the article 'the' at the appropriate places
CCTS: Recall the past events
Moral value: appreciation
ABM: textbook
Language content: articles
Reflection: students can use 'the 'at the appropriate places.
27.7.2011 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1A(4.35-5.45)
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Safe Living
Learning out-comes: Language for informational
Level 2. 1. Listen to spoken texts such as talks, speeches and texts from
other multimedia sources.
2. Write instructions using correct format and conventions.
. Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. understand the texts on safety rules
2. write and match the rules against the pictures.
Lesson development: 1. Brainstorming on the topic- safe Living.
2. Listen to texts on safety rules
3. Oral, vocab.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: Writing safety rules
Moral value: safety
ABM: Reference books, textbook
Language content: past tense
Reflection: students can apply what they read on safety rules for their daily life.
PSK Ting.3B(2.00-3.10)
Tema: Malaysia Negara Berdaulat
Tajuk: Suruhanjaya Diraja
Hasil Pembelajaran : Mengenal pasti tugus dan peranan Suruhanjaya Diraja
Kemahiran:Mencari maklumat tentang Suruhanjaya Diraja
Nilai : Menghargai peranan Suruhanjaya Diraya
Pendekataan: aktif
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2L(12.50-2.00)
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Time is Gold.
Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal use.
Level 3. Enrichment ex.
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. plan and carry out activity successfully
Lesson development: 1. Tips in planning an activity
2. Plan activity in advance.
3. Do important thing first.
4. Stick to the time allocated for the activity.
Conclusion: Produce a One-day -plan
CCTS: priority – important first
Moral value: good management
ABM: Reference books
Language content: present tense,
Reflection: students can remember what they have learnt and apply for the enrichment ex.
28.7.2011 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1I(3.25-4.35)
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Safe Living
Learning out-comes: Grammar
1. Adjectives: Formation of the negatives by adding prefixes 'dis' 'im'
'in' and 'un'
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. form negatives by adding prefixes
Lesson development: 1. Explain the usage of prefixes (to form opposites)
2. Give examples and drilling.
3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: identify
Moral value: safety
ABM: Reference books, textbook
Language content: negatives sentences
Reflection: students can understand and use the prefixes to form negative sentences.
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2K(12.50-2.00)
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Time is Gold.
Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal use.
Level 3. Enrichment ex.
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. plan and carry out activity successfully
Lesson development: 1. Tips in planning an activity
2. Plan activity in advance.
3. Do important thing first.
4. Stick to the time allocated for the activity.
Conclusion: Produce a One-day -plan
CCTS: priority – important first
Moral value: good management
ABM: Reference books
Language content: present tense,
Reflection: students can remember what they have learnt and apply for the enrichment ex.
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2L(4.35-5.10)
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Time is Gold.
Learning outcomes: Writing composition.
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. to plan a charitable activity for the coming holidays.
2. to present an account plan of activities to be carried out.
Lesson development: 1. Brainstorming – identify organization needs your help.
2. Suggest some possible activities to raise funds
3. Group work – discuss action plan
Conclusion: Group prepare an action plan to have a fund raising activity.
CCTS: priority – identify suitable activities
Moral value: concern about the unfortunate people
ABM: pictures
Language content: simple future tense,
Reflection: Students can discuss and plan an action plan for their holidays
29.7.2011 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1A(2.00-2.35)
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Safe Living
Learning out-comes: Grammar
1. Adjectives: Formation of the negatives by adding prefixes 'dis' 'im'
'in' and 'un'
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. form negatives by adding prefixes
Lesson development: 1. Explain the usage of prefixes (to form opposites)
2. Give examples and drilling.
3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: identify
Moral value: safety
ABM: Reference books, textbook
Language content: negatives sentences
Reflection: students can understand and use the prefixes to form negative sentences.
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2K(2.35-3.45)
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Time is Gold.
Learning outcomes: Writing composition.
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. to plan a charitable activity for the coming holidays.
2. to present an account plan of activities to be carried out.
Lesson development: 1. Brainstorming – identify organization needs your help.
2. Suggest some possible activities to raise funds
3. Group work – discuss action plan
Conclusion: Group prepare an action plan to have a fund raising activity.
CCTS: priority – identify suitable activities
Moral value: concern about the unfortunate people
ABM: pictures
Language content: simple future tense,
Reflection: Students can discuss and plan an action plan for their holidays
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