Sunday, February 20, 2011


RPH Minggu 7 14.2.2011-18.2.2011

14.2.2011 Hari Isnin

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1I(1.25-2.00)1A(5.45-6.20)

Theme: Environment

Topic: It All Starts At Home

Learning out-come: Language for interpersonal

Level 1. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest.

Level 2. Participating in conversations and discussions

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. Talk about the 3Rs

Lesson Development: 1. Discussion of the topic.

2. Tr. gives examples of the 3Rs

3. Oral ex.

Conclusion: Written ex.

CCTS : gather information

Moral value: understanding

Language content s: present tense

ABM: textbook, pictures

Reflection: good lessons- students show interest in recycling


Bahasa Inggeris 2L(12.50-1.25) 2K(2.00-2.35)

Theme : People

Topic : Famous faces

Learning out-comes : vocabulary enrichment

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. substitute word with words of the same meaning

Lesson development : 1. Brainstorming

2. spot the change

3. words of the same meaning (see table given)

4. writing

Thinking skills : substitutes word(s) with an equivalent

Moral values : multiple intelligence

Conclusion : rewrite the reading text use word substitutes without causing a change in


Reflection : satisfactory


15.2.2011 Hari Selasa


16.2.2011 Hari Rabu

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1A(4.35-5-45)

Theme: Environment

Topic: It All Starts At Home

Learning out-come: Language for interpersonal

Level 3. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest.

Language for informational

Level 3. 1. Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic


2. Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. Read and understand the articles given

Lesson Development: 1. Brainstorming on the topic given.

2. Read the article given

3. Tr. explains the articles, discussions.

Conclusion: Written ex.

CCTS : gather information

Moral value: understanding

Language content s: present tense

ABM: textbook, pictures

Reflection: good lesson, students can do the ex. well.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting 2L(12.50-2.00)2K(2.00-2.35)

Theme: Environment

Topic: Stop air pollution

Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal use

Level 1: participate in a discussion the best way to reduce

air pollution

Level 2: 1.identify main ideas

2. Identify supporting details

3. Take dictation

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils are able

1. to write ways to reduce air pollution

Lesson development: 1.brainstorming – pollution

2. note the main ideas and supporting details

the passage.

3. write on ways to reduce air pollution

Conclusion: written exercise

CCTS: reason out

Moral: love the environment

Language: simple present tense

ABM: mind map

Reflection: satisfactory


17.2.2011 Hari Khamis

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1I(3.25-4.35)

Theme: Environment

Topic: It All Starts At Home

Learning out-come: Language for interpersonal

Level 3. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest.

Language for informational

Level 3. 1. Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic


2. Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas.

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. Read and understand the articles given

Lesson Development: 1. Brainstorming on the topic given.

2. Read the article given

3. Tr. explains the articles, discussions.

Conclusion: Written ex.

CCTS : gather information

Moral value: understanding

Language content s: present tense

ABM: textbook, pictures

Reflection: satisfactory – students can do the ex. given

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.2L4.35-5.10)

Theme: Literature

Topic: Short Story – Rumplstiltskin

Learning out-come: Aesthetic

1. Introduce the title, author and synopsis of the story

Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. Understand the title of the story.

2. know the outline of the story.

Lesson Development: 1. Introduction – the title of the story, the author.

2. Tr. gives a brief outline of the story

3. Reading – the story.

Conclusion: Write notes.

CCTS : gather information

Moral value: understanding

Language content s: past tense

ABM: Short story

Reflection: Students like the story

ABM: textbook, pictures

Reflection: students can do the ex. themselves.


18.2.2011 Hari Jumaat

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1A(2.00-2.35)

Theme: Environment

Topic: It All Starts At Home

Learning out-come: Language for interpersonal

Level 3. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest.

Language for informational

Level 3. 1. Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic


2. Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas.

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. Read and understand the articles given

Lesson Development: 1. Brainstorming on the topic given.

2. Read the article given

3. Tr. explains the articles, discussions.

Conclusion: Written ex.

CCTS : gather information

Moral value: understanding

Language content s: present tense

ABM: textbook, pictures

Reflection: satisfactory – students can do the ex. given

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.2K(2.35-3.45)

Theme: Literature

Topic: Short Story – Rumplstiltskin

Learning out-come: Aesthetic

1. Introduce the title, author and synopsis of the story

Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. Understand the title of the story.

2. know the outline of the story.

Lesson Development: 1. Introduction – the title of the story, the author.

2. Tr. gives a brief outline of the story

3. Reading – the story.

Conclusion: Write notes.

CCTS : gather information

Moral value: understanding

Language content s: past tense

ABM: Short story

Reflection: Students like the story

ABM: textbook, pictures

Reflection: students can do the ex. themselves.

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