Friday, May 11, 2012



Week 19 (7.5.2012.-11.5.2012)

7.5.2012 Hari Isnin

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1M(4.35-5.10)


Topic: Guided Writing

Learning outcome: Writing

Level 3. 1. Write a guided essay using the notes given.

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to

1. Write an essay entitle: 'one good turn deserves another'

Lesson development: 1. Explain the notes given.

2. Discussion, using linking words and short sentences for the essay.

3. Write the important point on the blackboard.

4. Students complete the essay.

Conclusion: written ex.

Language content: present tense

CCTS: writing summary

AVA: printed article

Moral: knowledge

Reflection: students can write their guided essay



Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2A(2.00-3.10)2I(5.10-6.20)

Theme: Summary (Revision)

Topic: Hobbies

Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal

Level 1. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest.

Language for informational

Level 2. Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic


Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. read and understand hobbies

Lesson development: 1 Brain-storming – summary

2. Give tips on writing summary

3. Read the article and answer the question

4. Underline the important points

5. Oral ex.

Conclusion: Written ex.

CCTS: infer

Moral value: good habit

ABM: Reference books, textbook

Language content: present tense

Reflection: students can do their own summary.


8.5.2012 Hari Selasa

Pendidikan Moral Ting. 3E(2.00-3.10)

Bidang Pembelajaran: Nilai Berkaitan Dengan Perkembangan Diri

Nilai: 1.4.Bertanggungjawab(ULANGKAJI)

Tema :Pekerja bertanggungjawab produktiviti meningkat

Tajuk:Tugaskan tanggungjawabku

Hasil Pembelajaran: Kognitif : Mengenali pasti ciri seorang yang bertanggungjawab.

Afektif: Menyedari kepentingan sikap bertanggungjawab.

Perlakuan: Melaksanakan tanggungjawab dengan sempurna

Pendekatan : Pemupukan Nilai

Teknik : i. Penerangan

II. Aktiviti kumpulan –berbincang tentang tugusan dan tanggungjawab pekerja.

III. Buat latihan soalan 1-5 dimuka surat 21 buku teks.

Refleksi : baik, semua pelajar boleh buat latihan tambahan dengan betul.


Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2I(3.25-4.00)

Theme: Summary (Revision)

Topic: Air pollution

Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal

Level 1. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest.

Language for informational

Level 2. Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic


Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. read and understand air pollution

Lesson development: 1 Brain-storming – summary

2. Read the article and answer the question

3. Underline the important points

4. Oral ex.

Conclusion: Written ex.

CCTS: infer

Moral value: cleanliness

ABM: Reference books, textbook

Language content: present tense

Reflection: Most of the students do well in their summary.


9.5.2012 Hari Rabu

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1M(5.10-6.20)

Theme: Summary

Topic: Text on 'Barter system'

Learning outcome: Writing summary

Level 3. 1. Write summary

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to

1. Write summary

Lesson development: 1. Revision on how to write summary.

2. Give text for summary.

3. Read the text, discussion.

4. Oral – pick the main ideas from a short passage.

Conclusion: written ex.

Language content: present tense

CCTS: writing summary

AVA: printed article

Moral: knowledge

Reflection: students write the summary with guided notes.


Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2A(2.00-3.10)

Theme: Summary (Revision)

Topic: Air pollution

Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal

Level 1. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest.

Language for informational

Level 2. Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic


Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. read and understand air pollution

Lesson development: 1 Brain-storming – summary

2. Read the article and answer the question

3. Underline the important points

4. Oral ex.

Conclusion: Written ex.

CCTS: infer

Moral value: cleanliness

ABM: Reference books, textbook

Language content: present tense

Reflection: Most of the students do well in their summary.


10.5.2012 Hari Khamis

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1M(12.50-2.00)

Theme: Revision

Topic : Poem- 'THE RIVER' and 'MR. NOBODY'

Learning out-comes: Aesthetic

Level 2. Read the poems 'THE RIVER' and 'MR. NOBODY'

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. recite and understand the poem

Lesson development: 1. Read the poem

2. Oral questions

Conclusion: Written ex.

CCTS: understanding

Moral value: responsible

ABM: text book

Language content: poetry

Reflection: students can still remember the poems and can answer all the 10 questions.


Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(4.00-5.10)

Theme: Revision


Learning out-comes: Aesthetic

Level 2. Read the poems

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. recite and understand the poem

Lesson development: 1. Read the poem

2. Oral questions

Conclusion: Written ex.

CCTS: understanding

Moral value: responsible

ABM: text book

Language content: poetry

Reflection: students can still remember the poems and can answer all the 10 questions


11.5.2012 Hari Jumaat

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(4.00-5.10)

Theme: Revision

Topic : Poem-'The RIVER' and 'MR. NOBODY

Learning out-comes: Aesthetic

Level 2. Read the poem 'THE RIVER'

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. recite and understand the poem

Lesson development: 1. Read the poem

2. Oral questions

Conclusion: Written ex.

CCTS: understanding

Moral value: responsible

ABM: text book

Language content: poetry

Reflection: students can still remember the poems and can answer all the 10 questions


Pendidikan Moral Ting. 3E(2.00-3.10)

Bidang Pembelajaran: Nilai Berkaitan Dengan Perkembangan Diri

Nilai: 1.4.Bertanggungjawab (ULANGKAJI)

Tema :Pekerja bertanggungjawab produktiviti meningkat

Tajuk: Tugaskan tanggangjawabku

Hasil Pembelajaran: Kognitif : Mengenali pasti ciri seorang yang bertanggungjawab

Afektif: Menyedari kepentingan sikap bertanggungjawab.

Perlakuan: Melaksanakan tanggungjawab dengan sempurna

Pendekatan : Pemupukan Nilai

Teknik : i. Penerangan

II. Aktiviti kumpulan –berbincang tentang kerjaya pilihan anda.

III. Bentangkan hasil dapatan anda.

Refleksi : baik, Pelajar-pelajar boleh buat latihan dengan betul.


Sunday, May 6, 2012


Week 17 (23.4.2012-27.4.2012)

23.4.2012 Hari Isnin

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1M(4.35-5.10)

Theme: Social Issues

Topic: Safe Homes

Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal

Level 1. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest.

Language for informational

Level 2. Listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches, and texts from

Other multimedia sources

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. listen and understand an article on tips to make your home safe from


Lesson development: 1 Brain-storming – on the topic

2. Talk about safe homes- the importance of home safety rules

3. Listen the article and answer the question orally

Conclusion: Written ex.

CCTS: infer

Moral value: care

ABM: Reference books, textbook

Language content: present tense

Reflection: students can answer all the questions.


Bahasa Inggeris Ting 2A(2.00-3.10)2I(5.10-6.20)

Theme: Social Issues

Topic: Time is Gold

Learning outcomes: Language for informational

Level 1. Read and understand excerpts of a diary.

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

1. Read and the dairy written by Johan

2. Scan for details

Lesson development: 1. Brainstorming- on the habit of writing diary.

2. Read the diary and discussion.

3. Oral ex.

Conclusion: Written ex.

CCTS: Recall events

Moral value: hardworking

ABM: Reference books, textbook

Language content: simple present and simple past tense

Reflection: students can answer all the questions


24.4.2012 Hari Selasa

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2I(3.25-4.00)

Theme: Social Issues

Topic: Time is Gold

Learning outcome: GRAMMAR.

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. article 'the' at the appropriate place

Lesson development: 1. Explains article 'an' is applicable to nouns beginning with vowels.

2. Nouns beginning with consonants use article 'a' e.g. a book

3. Article 'the' is used with a proper noun or noun that has been

Stated earlier

4. Oral drill

Conclusion: Put the article 'the' at the appropriate places

CCTS: Recall the past events

Moral value: appreciation

ABM: textbook

Language content: simple past tense,

Reflection: satisfactory


Pendidikan Moral Ting. 3E(2.00-3.10)

Bidang Pembelajaran 2: Nilai Berkaitan dengan kekeluargaan

Nilai: 2.3 Mengekalkan Tradisi Kekeluargaan

Tema: Tradisi kekeluargaan pengikat keluarga bahagia.

Tajuk: Amalan AdatWarisan Keluarga

Hasil Pembelajaran: Kognitif : Mengenal pasti adat dan pantang larang yang diamalkan oleh keluarga.

Afektif: Menyatakan kepentingan pengekalan tradisi kekeluargaan

Perlakuan: Mengamalkan tradisi keluargaan dalam kehidupan harian

Pendekatan : Pemupukan Nilai

Teknik : i. Penerangan

II. Aktiviti kumpulan berbincang tentang tajuk

' Biar Mati Anak, Jangan Mati Adat'

III.Pelajar bincang tentang soalan –soalan yang terdapat dalam teks

Refleksi : Pelajar dapat jawab semua soalan 1-4


25.4.2012 Hari Rabu

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2A(2.00-3.10)

Theme: Social Issues

Topic: Time is Gold.

Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal

Level 3. Enrichment ex.

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. plan and carry out activity successfully

Lesson development: 1. Tips in planning an activity

2. plan activity in advance.

3. do important thing first.

4. stick to the time allocated for the activity.

Conclusion: Produce a One-day -plan

CCTS: proper planning

Moral value: good management

ABM: Reference books

Language content: simple present tense

Reflection: students can produce a One-day- plan activity.


Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1M(5.45-6.20)

Theme: Social Issues

Topic: Safe Homes

Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal

Level 1. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest.

Language for informational

Level 2. Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic


Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. read and understand an article on safe homes

Lesson development: 1 Brain-storming – on the topic

2. Talk about safe homes- the importance of home safety rules

3. Read the article and answer the question orally

Conclusion: Written ex.

CCTS: infer

Moral value: care

ABM: Reference books, textbook

Language content: present tense

Reflection: students can read and answer the questions given


26.4.2012 Hari Khamis

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1M(12.50-2.00)

Theme: Social Issues

Topic: Safe Homes

Learning outcomes: Grammar

1. Pronouns: Possessive pronouns and Demonstrative pronouns

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to

1. use possessive pronouns and demonstrative pronouns.

Lesson development: 1. Tr. explains what is possessive pronouns and demonstrative pronouns.

2. Give examples and drilling.

3. Oral ex. and drilling.

Conclusion: Written ex.

CCTS: identify

Moral value: care

ABM: Reference books, textbook

Language content: possessive pronouns and demonstrative pronouns.

Reflection: students can answer the questions given.


Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2I(4.35-5.45)2A(5.45-6.20)

Theme: Social Issues

Topic: Time is Gold.

Learning outcomes: Writing composition.

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to plan a charitable activity for the coming holidays.

2. to present an account plan of activities to be carried out.

Lesson development: 1. Brainstorming – identify Organization needs your help.

2. Suggest some possible activities to raise funds

3. Group work – discuss action plan

Conclusion: group prepares an action plan to have a fund raising activity.

CCTS: priority – identify suitable activities

Moral value: concern about the unfortunate people

ABM: pictures

Language content: simple future tense,

Reflection: Satisfactory



27.4.2012 Hari Jumaat

Pendidikan Moral Ting. 3E(2.00-3.10)

Bidang Pembelajaran 2: Nilai Berkaitan dengan kekeluargaan

Nilai: 2.4 Tanggungjawab terhadap keluarga kesehahteraan terhadap keluarga

Tema: Maruah Keluarga Impian Bersama

Tajuk: Amalan AdatWarisan Keluarga

Hasil Pembelajaran: Kognitif : Mengenal pasti kepentingan mengamalkan perlakuan yang baik.

Afektif: Mengetahui tanggungjawab memelihara maruah keluarga.

Perlakuan: Menjaga nama baik dan maruah diri serta keluarga.

Pendekatan : Pemupukan Nilai

Teknik : i. Penerangan

II. Aktiviti kumpulan berbincang tentang tajuk

III.Pelajar bincang tentang soalan –soalan yang terdapat dalam teks

Refleksi : Pelajar dapat jawab semua soalan 1-4


Week 18 (30-4.2012-4.5.2012)

30.4.2012 Hari Isnin

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1M(4.35-5.10)

Theme: Summary

Topic: Text on 'Road Safety'

Learning outcome: Writing summary

Level 3. 1. Write summary

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to

1. Write summary

Lesson development: 1. Explain on how to write summary-give tips on writing summary.

2. Give text for summary.

3. Read the text, discussion.

4. Oral – summarize the main idea for a short passage.

Conclusion: written ex.

Language content: present tense

CCTS: writing summary

AVA: printed article

Moral: knowledge

Reflection: students write the summary with guided notes.


Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2A(2.00-3.10)2I(5.10-6.20)

Theme: Summary

Topic: Text on 'Water'

Learning outcome: Writing summary

Level 3. 1. Write summary

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to

1. write summary

Lesson development: 1. Revise summary- tips on doing summary

2. Brainstorming on the topic given

3. Tr. writes important notes on the board

Conclusion: written ex.

Language content: present tense

CCTS: writing summary

AVA: printed article

Moral: knowledge

Reflection: Students can pick up the main ideas of the text.



1.5.2012 Hari Selasa

Cuti Hari Buruh


2.5.2012 Hari Rabu

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1M(5.10-6.20)

Theme: Summary

Topic: Text on Topic 'Goldfish'

Learning outcome: Writing summary

Level 3. 1. Write summary

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to

1. Write summary

Lesson development: 1. Explain on how to write summary-give tips on writing summary.

2. Give text for summary.

3. Read the text, discussion.

4. Oral – summarize the main idea for a short passage.

Conclusion: written ex.

Language content: present tense

CCTS: writing summary

AVA: printed article

Moral: knowledge

Reflection: students write the summary with guided notes.


Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2A(2.00-3.10)

Theme: Summary

Topic: Text on 'Sports'

Learning outcome: Writing summary

Level 3. 1. Write summary

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to

1. write summary

Lesson development: 1. Revise summary

2. Brainstorming on the topic given

3. Tr. writes important notes on the board

Conclusion: written ex.

Language content: present tense

CCTS: writing summary

AVA: printed article

Moral: knowledge

Reflection: Students can write their own summary.


3.5.2012 Hari Khamis

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1M(12.50-2.00)

Theme: Summary

Topic: Text on "Benefits of cooking"

Learning outcome: Writing summary

Level 3. 1. Write summary

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to

1. Write summary

Lesson development: 1. Explain on how to write summary-give tips on writing summary.

2. Give text for summary.

3. Read the text, discussion.

4. Oral – underline the important points

Conclusion: written ex.

Language content: present tense

CCTS: writing summary

AVA: printed article

Moral: knowledge

Reflection: students write the summary with guided notes.


Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2I(4.35-5.45)2A(5.45-6.20)

Theme: Summary

Topic: Text on 'Sports' (Flood for 2A)

Learning outcome: Writing summary

Level 3. 1. Write summary

Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to

1. write summary

Lesson development: 1. Revise summary

2. Brainstorming on the topic given

3. Tr. writes important notes on the board

Conclusion: written ex.

Language content: present tense

CCTS: writing summary

AVA: printed article

Moral: knowledge

Reflection: Students do well for their ex.


4.5.2012 Hari Jumaat

Pendidikan Moral Ting. 3E(2.00-3.10)

Bidang Pembelajaran 2: Nilai Berkaitan dengan kekeluargaan

Nilai: 2.4 Tanggungjawab terhadap keluarga kesehahteraan terhadap keluarga

Tema: Maruah Keluarga Impian Bersama

Tajuk: Refleksi

Hasil Pembelajaran: Kognitif : Mengenal pasti kepentingan mengamalkan perlakuan yang baik.

Afektif: Mengetahui tanggungjawab memelihara maruah keluarga.

Perlakuan: Menjaga nama baik dan maruah diri serta keluarga.

Pendekatan : Pemupukan Nilai

Teknik : i. Penerangan

II. Aktiviti kumpulan berbincang tentang tajuk – Menjaga Maruah Diri dan Keluarga.

III.Pelajar bincang tentang soalan –soalan yang terdapat dalam teks

Refleksi : Pelajar dapat jawab semua soalan 1-4