Saturday, October 12, 2013


Week   40-41 (30.9.2013-11.9.2013)
30.9.2013  Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(12.50-2.00)1D(3.25-4.35)
Theme: Health
Topic : Food For Thought
Learning out-comes: Language for informational
                                       Level  2. Identify main ideas in simple paragraphs.
                                                       Identifying supporting data or ideas in simple paragraphs
Objectives of the objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                                   1. Identify main ideas and supporting data or ideas in simple paragraphs.
Lesson development:  1. Discussion on the topic of interest- food for thought
                                         2. Read what Mailin and her friends have to say.                                 
                                         3. Explains the vocab.
                                         4. Oral ex. – discuss what each character does and what he/she tries or
                                             plans to do.                     
Conclusion:  Written ex.
CCTS:  identify
Moral value: self- reliance
ABM: Reference books, textbook
Language content:   simple present tense
Reflection:  Students can identify the main ideas from the texts for their ex.

PSK Ting.1J(5.10-6.20)
Tema 5: Malaysia Negera Berdaulat
Tajuk: a. Kerajaan demokrasi – Prinsip demokrasi
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan : Menjelaskan maksud dan prinsip kerjaan demokrasi.
Kemahiran:Menghuraikan peranan dan tanggungjawab warganegara dalam sistem demokrasi diMalaysia.
Nilai: Cinta akan Negara
 BBB: Buku Rujukan
Aktiviti: PBS
Pendekataan : aktif.

1.10.2013 Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(3.25-4.35)
Theme:   Food For Thought
Learning out-comes: Grammar
                                      Nouns:   Countable and uncountable nouns, phrasal quantifiers
                                      Pronoun: ‘some’ as an adjective.
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. Classify the countable and uncountable nouns.
Lesson development:  1. Discussion on the topic- countable and uncountable nouns
                                         2. The use of phrasal quantifiers – pronoun: ‘some” as an adjective.                               
                                         3.  Oral ex.                     
Conclusion:  Written ex.
CCTS:  identify
Moral value: self- reliance
ABM: Reference books, textbook
Language content:   countable and uncountable nouns
Reflection: students can identify countable and uncountable nouns.

2.10.2013 Hari Rabu -4.10.2013 Hari Jumaat


Week 41 (7.10.2013-11.10.2013)
7.10.2013  Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(12.50-2.00)1D(3.25-4.35)
Revision – Writing summary
Learning Outcomes: Students should be able to use the summary skills.
Lesson development: 1. Revise the summary skills.
                                        2. Read and understand the passage for summary.
                                        3. Pick the main ideas of the passage.
                                        4. Do the ex. orally
Conclusion: Written ex.
Reflection: Students can do the summary.

PSK Ting.1J(5.10-6.20)
Tema 5: Malaysia Negera Berdaulat
Tajuk: a. Kerajaan demokrasi – Prinsip demokrasi
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan : Menjelaskan maksud dan prinsip kerjaan demokrasi.
Kemahiran:Menghuraikan peranan dan tanggungjawab warganegara dalam sistem demokrasi diMalaysia.
Nilai: Cinta akan Negara
 BBB: Buku Rujukan
Aktiviti: PBS
Pendekataan : aktif.

8.10.2013  Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(3.25-4.35)
Revision: N0vel – “Journey To The Centre Of The Earth”
 Learning Outcomes: Students should be able to answer all the questions based on the novel.
Lesson development: 1.Briefly talk about the novel.
                                        2. Do the exercise orally.
Conclusion:  Written ex.
Reflection: Students can discuss the given exercise orally.

9.10.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(3.25-4.35)
Revision: N0vel – “Journey To The Centre Of The Earth”
 Learning Outcomes: Students should be able to answer all the questions based on the novel.
Lesson development: 1.Briefly talk about the novel.
                                        2. Do the exercise orally.
Conclusion:  Written ex.
Reflection: Students can discuss the given exercise orally.

PSK Ting.1B(12.50-2.00)1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema 5: Malaysia Negera Berdaulat
Tajuk: a. Kerajaan demokrasi – Prinsip demokrasi
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan : Menjelaskan maksud dan prinsip kerjaan demokrasi.
Kemahiran:Menghuraikan peranan dan tanggungjawab warganegara dalam sistem demokrasi diMalaysia.
Nilai: Cinta akan Negara
 BBB: Buku Rujukan
Aktiviti: PBS
Pendekataan : aktif.

10.10.2013 Hari Khamis


11.10.2013 Hari Jumaat


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