Friday, May 3, 2013

rph minggu 17-18

Week 17(22.4.2013-26.4.2013)
22.4.2013 Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(12.50-2.00)1D(3.25-4.35)
Theme: Environment
Topic: Do You Care Enough?
Learning outcomes: Language for informational
                                     Level 2. 1. Listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches, and texts
                                                        from other multimedia sources .                    
                                                    2. Skimming and scanning for specific information
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                            1. Skim and scan for specific information
                                            2. Complete the exercise given.
Lesson development: 1.Listen to a conversation
                                        2. Discussion
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: extracting ideas
Moral value:   Co-operation
ABM: textbook
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: Students understand the text and do the ex. correctly

PSK Ting. 1J(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: Unit 1: Identiti Diri
                 Aktiviti : PBS : B5D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghubungkaitkan potensi diri dengan cita-cita.
Kemahiran: Mengambil daya usaha untuk mencapai cita-cita.
Nilai: Menunjukkan keyakinan untuk mengembangkan potensi diri
BBB: Instrumen Standard Prestasi PSK B5D1E1
Pendekataan : aktif

23.4.2013 Hari Selasa


24.4.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(3.25-4.35)
Theme: Environment
Topic: Do You Care Enough?
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
                                     Level  2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest
                                     Language for informational
                                     Level  1.  Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic
 Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. read and understand the articles
                                             2. complete the exercises given
Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment (My school, my home)
                                        2. Read and understand the passage.
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: extracting ideas
Moral value:  co- operation
ABM: textbook
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: students read and understand the passage and do the ex. given

PSK Ting. 1B(12.50-2.00)1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: Unit 1: Identiti Diri
                 Aktiviti : PBS : B5D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghubungkaitkan potensi diri dengan cita-cita.
Kemahiran: Mengambil daya usaha untuk mencapai cita-cita.
Nilai: Menunjukkan keyakinan untuk mengembangkan potensi diri
BBB: Instrumen Standard Prestasi PSK B5D1E1
Pendekataan : aktif

25.4.2013 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(3.25-4.00)1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: Environment
Topic: Do You Care Enough?
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
                                     Level  2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest
                                     Language for informational
                                     Level  1.  Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic
 Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. read and understand the articles
                                             2. complete the exercises given
Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment (My school, my home)
                                        2. Read and understand the passage.
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: extracting ideas
Moral value:  co- operation
ABM: textbook
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: students read and understand the passage and do the ex. given

26.4.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(2.00-2.35)(3.10-3.45)
 Theme: Environment
Topic: Do You Care Enough?
Learning outcomes: Language for informational
                                     Level 2.  Writing announcements- using appropriate format and
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. skim and scan for specific information
                                             2. write an announcement for beautify the class
Lesson development: 1.Listen to a conversation again
                                        2. Discussion
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: Writing
Moral value: co-operation
ABM: textbook
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: Students can write a short announcement for the class.

PSK Ting. 1C(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: Unit 1: Identiti Diri
                 Aktiviti : PBS : B5D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghubungkaitkan potensi diri dengan cita-cita.
Kemahiran: Mengambil daya usaha untuk mencapai cita-cita.
Nilai: Menunjukkan keyakinan untuk mengembangkan potensi diri
BBB: Instrumen Standard Prestasi PSK B5D1E1
Pendekataan : aktif

Week  18(29.4.2013-3.5.2013)
29.4.2013 Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(12.50-2.00)1D(3.25-4.35)
Theme: Environment
Topic:  What A Wonderful  World!
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
                                     Level 2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest
                                     Language for informational
                                     Level 1. Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic
 Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. read and understand the articles
                                             2. complete the exercises given
Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment
                                        2. Read and understand the passage.
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: extracting ideas
Moral value: co-operation
ABM: Reference books
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: students can talk on cleanliness of environment- their school compound.

PSK Ting. 1J(4.35-5.45)
Tema:Pencapaian kendiri
Tajuk: 2. Hubungan kekeluargaan
                a. Keluarga bahagia
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menerangkan ciri-ciri keluarga bahagia.
Kemahiran: Menjalinkan hubunganyang mersa dan akrab antara anggota keluarga.
Nilai: Menunjukkan kasih sayang kepada ibu bapa dan anggota keluarga.
                          Senaraikan cara-cara membantu keluarga dalam membina keluarga bahagia.
Pendekataan : aktif

30.4.2013 Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(3.25-4.35)
Topic:  What A Wonderful World!
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
                                    Level 2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest
                                    Language for informational
                                    Level 2.  Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. talk about pollutions 
                                             2. give reasons to reduce harm to the environment
Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment
                                        2. Refer to picture and talk about the causes of pollution
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion:  Written ex.
CCTS: skimming and scanning
Moral value: co-operation
ABM: Reference books
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: students can talk about pollutions well.

1.5.2013 Hari Rabu


2.5.2013 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(5.45-6.20)
Topic: What A Wonderful World!
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
                                     Level 2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest
                                     Language for informational
                                     Level 2.  Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. talk about pollutions  
                                             2. give reasons to reduce harm to the environment
Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment
                                        2. Refer to picture and talk about the causes of pollution
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion:  Written ex.
CCTS: skimming and scanning
Moral value: co-operation
ABM: Reference books
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: students can write a short paragraph about water pollution.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(3.25-4.00)
Topic:  What A Wonderful World!
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
                                    Level 2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest
                                    Language for informational
                                    Level 2.  Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. talk about pollutions 
                                             2. give reasons to reduce harm to the environment
Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment
                                        2. Refer to picture and talk about the causes of pollution
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion:  Written ex.
CCTS: skimming and scanning
Moral value: co-operation
ABM: Reference books
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: students can talk about pollutions well.

3.5.2012 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(2.00-2.35)1D(3.10-3.45)
Topic: Guided Writing
Learning outcome: Writing        
                                   Level 3. 1. Write a guided essay using the notes given.
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to
                                             1. Write an essay entitle: ‘one good turn deserves another’
Lesson development:  1. Explain the notes given.
                                         2. Discussion, using linking words and short sentences for the essay.
                                         3. Write the important point on the blackboard.
                                         4. Students complete the essay.
Conclusion: written ex. 
Language content: present tense
CCTS: writing summary
AVA:  printed article
Moral: knowledge
Reflection: students can write their guided essay

PSK Ting. 1C(5.10-6.20)
Tema:Pencapaian kendiri
Tajuk: 2. Hubungan kekeluargaan
                a. Keluarga bahagia
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menerangkan ciri-ciri keluarga bahagia.
Kemahiran: Menjalinkan hubunganyang mersa dan akrab antara anggota keluarga.
Nilai: Menunjukkan kasih sayang kepada ibu bapa dan anggota keluarga.
                          Senaraikan cara-cara membantu keluarga dalam membina keluarga bahagia.
Pendekataan : aktif

Week 17(22.4.2013-26.4.2013)
22.4.2013 Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(12.50-2.00)1D(3.25-4.35)
Theme: Environment
Topic: Do You Care Enough?
Learning outcomes: Language for informational
                                     Level 2. 1. Listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches, and texts
                                                        from other multimedia sources .                    
                                                    2. Skimming and scanning for specific information
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                            1. Skim and scan for specific information
                                            2. Complete the exercise given.
Lesson development: 1.Listen to a conversation
                                        2. Discussion
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: extracting ideas
Moral value:   Co-operation
ABM: textbook
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: Students understand the text and do the ex. correctly

PSK Ting. 1J(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: Unit 1: Identiti Diri
                 Aktiviti : PBS : B5D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghubungkaitkan potensi diri dengan cita-cita.
Kemahiran: Mengambil daya usaha untuk mencapai cita-cita.
Nilai: Menunjukkan keyakinan untuk mengembangkan potensi diri
BBB: Instrumen Standard Prestasi PSK B5D1E1
Pendekataan : aktif

23.4.2013 Hari Selasa


24.4.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(3.25-4.35)
Theme: Environment
Topic: Do You Care Enough?
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
                                     Level  2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest
                                     Language for informational
                                     Level  1.  Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic
 Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. read and understand the articles
                                             2. complete the exercises given
Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment (My school, my home)
                                        2. Read and understand the passage.
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: extracting ideas
Moral value:  co- operation
ABM: textbook
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: students read and understand the passage and do the ex. given

PSK Ting. 1B(12.50-2.00)1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: Unit 1: Identiti Diri
                 Aktiviti : PBS : B5D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghubungkaitkan potensi diri dengan cita-cita.
Kemahiran: Mengambil daya usaha untuk mencapai cita-cita.
Nilai: Menunjukkan keyakinan untuk mengembangkan potensi diri
BBB: Instrumen Standard Prestasi PSK B5D1E1
Pendekataan : aktif

25.4.2013 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(3.25-4.00)1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: Environment
Topic: Do You Care Enough?
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
                                     Level  2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest
                                     Language for informational
                                     Level  1.  Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic
 Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. read and understand the articles
                                             2. complete the exercises given
Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment (My school, my home)
                                        2. Read and understand the passage.
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: extracting ideas
Moral value:  co- operation
ABM: textbook
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: students read and understand the passage and do the ex. given

26.4.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(2.00-2.35)(3.10-3.45)
 Theme: Environment
Topic: Do You Care Enough?
Learning outcomes: Language for informational
                                     Level 2.  Writing announcements- using appropriate format and
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. skim and scan for specific information
                                             2. write an announcement for beautify the class
Lesson development: 1.Listen to a conversation again
                                        2. Discussion
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: Writing
Moral value: co-operation
ABM: textbook
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: Students can write a short announcement for the class.

PSK Ting. 1C(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: Unit 1: Identiti Diri
                 Aktiviti : PBS : B5D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghubungkaitkan potensi diri dengan cita-cita.
Kemahiran: Mengambil daya usaha untuk mencapai cita-cita.
Nilai: Menunjukkan keyakinan untuk mengembangkan potensi diri
BBB: Instrumen Standard Prestasi PSK B5D1E1
Pendekataan : aktif

Week  18(29.4.2013-3.5.2013)
29.4.2013 Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(12.50-2.00)1D(3.25-4.35)
Theme: Environment
Topic:  What A Wonderful  World!
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
                                     Level 2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest
                                     Language for informational
                                     Level 1. Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic
 Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. read and understand the articles
                                             2. complete the exercises given
Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment
                                        2. Read and understand the passage.
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: extracting ideas
Moral value: co-operation
ABM: Reference books
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: students can talk on cleanliness of environment- their school compound.

PSK Ting. 1J(4.35-5.45)
Tema:Pencapaian kendiri
Tajuk: 2. Hubungan kekeluargaan
                a. Keluarga bahagia
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menerangkan ciri-ciri keluarga bahagia.
Kemahiran: Menjalinkan hubunganyang mersa dan akrab antara anggota keluarga.
Nilai: Menunjukkan kasih sayang kepada ibu bapa dan anggota keluarga.
                          Senaraikan cara-cara membantu keluarga dalam membina keluarga bahagia.
Pendekataan : aktif

30.4.2013 Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(3.25-4.35)
Topic:  What A Wonderful World!
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
                                    Level 2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest
                                    Language for informational
                                    Level 2.  Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. talk about pollutions 
                                             2. give reasons to reduce harm to the environment
Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment
                                        2. Refer to picture and talk about the causes of pollution
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion:  Written ex.
CCTS: skimming and scanning
Moral value: co-operation
ABM: Reference books
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: students can talk about pollutions well.

1.5.2013 Hari Rabu


2.5.2013 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(5.45-6.20)
Topic: What A Wonderful World!
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
                                     Level 2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest
                                     Language for informational
                                     Level 2.  Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. talk about pollutions  
                                             2. give reasons to reduce harm to the environment
Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment
                                        2. Refer to picture and talk about the causes of pollution
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion:  Written ex.
CCTS: skimming and scanning
Moral value: co-operation
ABM: Reference books
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: students can write a short paragraph about water pollution.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(3.25-4.00)
Topic:  What A Wonderful World!
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
                                    Level 2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest
                                    Language for informational
                                    Level 2.  Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. talk about pollutions 
                                             2. give reasons to reduce harm to the environment
Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment
                                        2. Refer to picture and talk about the causes of pollution
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion:  Written ex.
CCTS: skimming and scanning
Moral value: co-operation
ABM: Reference books
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: students can talk about pollutions well.

3.5.2012 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(2.00-2.35)1D(3.10-3.45)
Topic: Guided Writing
Learning outcome: Writing        
                                   Level 3. 1. Write a guided essay using the notes given.
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to
                                             1. Write an essay entitle: ‘one good turn deserves another’
Lesson development:  1. Explain the notes given.
                                         2. Discussion, using linking words and short sentences for the essay.
                                         3. Write the important point on the blackboard.
                                         4. Students complete the essay.
Conclusion: written ex. 
Language content: present tense
CCTS: writing summary
AVA:  printed article
Moral: knowledge
Reflection: students can write their guided essay

PSK Ting. 1C(5.10-6.20)
Tema:Pencapaian kendiri
Tajuk: 2. Hubungan kekeluargaan
                a. Keluarga bahagia
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menerangkan ciri-ciri keluarga bahagia.
Kemahiran: Menjalinkan hubunganyang mersa dan akrab antara anggota keluarga.
Nilai: Menunjukkan kasih sayang kepada ibu bapa dan anggota keluarga.
                          Senaraikan cara-cara membantu keluarga dalam membina keluarga bahagia.
Pendekataan : aktif

Week 17(22.4.2013-26.4.2013)
22.4.2013 Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(12.50-2.00)1D(3.25-4.35)
Theme: Environment
Topic: Do You Care Enough?
Learning outcomes: Language for informational
                                     Level 2. 1. Listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches, and texts
                                                        from other multimedia sources .                    
                                                    2. Skimming and scanning for specific information
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                            1. Skim and scan for specific information
                                            2. Complete the exercise given.
Lesson development: 1.Listen to a conversation
                                        2. Discussion
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: extracting ideas
Moral value:   Co-operation
ABM: textbook
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: Students understand the text and do the ex. correctly

PSK Ting. 1J(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: Unit 1: Identiti Diri
                 Aktiviti : PBS : B5D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghubungkaitkan potensi diri dengan cita-cita.
Kemahiran: Mengambil daya usaha untuk mencapai cita-cita.
Nilai: Menunjukkan keyakinan untuk mengembangkan potensi diri
BBB: Instrumen Standard Prestasi PSK B5D1E1
Pendekataan : aktif

23.4.2013 Hari Selasa


24.4.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(3.25-4.35)
Theme: Environment
Topic: Do You Care Enough?
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
                                     Level  2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest
                                     Language for informational
                                     Level  1.  Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic
 Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. read and understand the articles
                                             2. complete the exercises given
Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment (My school, my home)
                                        2. Read and understand the passage.
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: extracting ideas
Moral value:  co- operation
ABM: textbook
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: students read and understand the passage and do the ex. given

PSK Ting. 1B(12.50-2.00)1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: Unit 1: Identiti Diri
                 Aktiviti : PBS : B5D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghubungkaitkan potensi diri dengan cita-cita.
Kemahiran: Mengambil daya usaha untuk mencapai cita-cita.
Nilai: Menunjukkan keyakinan untuk mengembangkan potensi diri
BBB: Instrumen Standard Prestasi PSK B5D1E1
Pendekataan : aktif

25.4.2013 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(3.25-4.00)1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: Environment
Topic: Do You Care Enough?
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
                                     Level  2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest
                                     Language for informational
                                     Level  1.  Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic
 Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. read and understand the articles
                                             2. complete the exercises given
Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment (My school, my home)
                                        2. Read and understand the passage.
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: extracting ideas
Moral value:  co- operation
ABM: textbook
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: students read and understand the passage and do the ex. given

26.4.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(2.00-2.35)(3.10-3.45)
 Theme: Environment
Topic: Do You Care Enough?
Learning outcomes: Language for informational
                                     Level 2.  Writing announcements- using appropriate format and
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. skim and scan for specific information
                                             2. write an announcement for beautify the class
Lesson development: 1.Listen to a conversation again
                                        2. Discussion
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: Writing
Moral value: co-operation
ABM: textbook
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: Students can write a short announcement for the class.

PSK Ting. 1C(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: Unit 1: Identiti Diri
                 Aktiviti : PBS : B5D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghubungkaitkan potensi diri dengan cita-cita.
Kemahiran: Mengambil daya usaha untuk mencapai cita-cita.
Nilai: Menunjukkan keyakinan untuk mengembangkan potensi diri
BBB: Instrumen Standard Prestasi PSK B5D1E1
Pendekataan : aktif

Week  18(29.4.2013-3.5.2013)
29.4.2013 Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(12.50-2.00)1D(3.25-4.35)
Theme: Environment
Topic:  What A Wonderful  World!
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
                                     Level 2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest
                                     Language for informational
                                     Level 1. Reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic
 Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. read and understand the articles
                                             2. complete the exercises given
Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment
                                        2. Read and understand the passage.
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: extracting ideas
Moral value: co-operation
ABM: Reference books
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: students can talk on cleanliness of environment- their school compound.

PSK Ting. 1J(4.35-5.45)
Tema:Pencapaian kendiri
Tajuk: 2. Hubungan kekeluargaan
                a. Keluarga bahagia
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menerangkan ciri-ciri keluarga bahagia.
Kemahiran: Menjalinkan hubunganyang mersa dan akrab antara anggota keluarga.
Nilai: Menunjukkan kasih sayang kepada ibu bapa dan anggota keluarga.
                          Senaraikan cara-cara membantu keluarga dalam membina keluarga bahagia.
Pendekataan : aktif

30.4.2013 Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(3.25-4.35)
Topic:  What A Wonderful World!
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
                                    Level 2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest
                                    Language for informational
                                    Level 2.  Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. talk about pollutions 
                                             2. give reasons to reduce harm to the environment
Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment
                                        2. Refer to picture and talk about the causes of pollution
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion:  Written ex.
CCTS: skimming and scanning
Moral value: co-operation
ABM: Reference books
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: students can talk about pollutions well.

1.5.2013 Hari Rabu


2.5.2013 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(5.45-6.20)
Topic: What A Wonderful World!
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
                                     Level 2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest
                                     Language for informational
                                     Level 2.  Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. talk about pollutions  
                                             2. give reasons to reduce harm to the environment
Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment
                                        2. Refer to picture and talk about the causes of pollution
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion:  Written ex.
CCTS: skimming and scanning
Moral value: co-operation
ABM: Reference books
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: students can write a short paragraph about water pollution.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(3.25-4.00)
Topic:  What A Wonderful World!
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
                                    Level 2. Exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest
                                    Language for informational
                                    Level 2.  Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
                                             1. talk about pollutions 
                                             2. give reasons to reduce harm to the environment
Lesson development: 1. Brain-storming on cleanliness of environment
                                        2. Refer to picture and talk about the causes of pollution
                                        3. Oral ex.
Conclusion:  Written ex.
CCTS: skimming and scanning
Moral value: co-operation
ABM: Reference books
Language content:  present tense
Reflection: students can talk about pollutions well.

3.5.2012 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(2.00-2.35)1D(3.10-3.45)
Topic: Guided Writing
Learning outcome: Writing        
                                   Level 3. 1. Write a guided essay using the notes given.
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson pupils should be able to
                                             1. Write an essay entitle: ‘one good turn deserves another’
Lesson development:  1. Explain the notes given.
                                         2. Discussion, using linking words and short sentences for the essay.
                                         3. Write the important point on the blackboard.
                                         4. Students complete the essay.
Conclusion: written ex. 
Language content: present tense
CCTS: writing summary
AVA:  printed article
Moral: knowledge
Reflection: students can write their guided essay

PSK Ting. 1C(5.10-6.20)
Tema:Pencapaian kendiri
Tajuk: 2. Hubungan kekeluargaan
                a. Keluarga bahagia
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menerangkan ciri-ciri keluarga bahagia.
Kemahiran: Menjalinkan hubunganyang mersa dan akrab antara anggota keluarga.
Nilai: Menunjukkan kasih sayang kepada ibu bapa dan anggota keluarga.
                          Senaraikan cara-cara membantu keluarga dalam membina keluarga bahagia.
Pendekataan : aktif

1 comment:

Bujang Saili Sirat said...

RPH Minggu 17-18 disemak pada 17.5.2013.