Sunday, February 17, 2013


Week  5  (28.1.2013-2.2.2012)
28.1.2013  Hari  Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(1.25-2.00)
 Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

PSK Ting. 1G(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

29.1.2013 Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1D(4.35-5.45)
 Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
                                          4. PBS-B1DL1E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

30.1.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(12.50-2.00)
Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
                                          4. PBS-B1DL1E1, B1DL2E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Oral Ex
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

31.1.2013 Hari Khamis


1.1.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(2.00-3.10)1D(3.10-3.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Text completion
                                        4. Oral Ex
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

PSK Ting. 1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

2.2.2013 Hari Sabtu (Hari gantian -14.2.2013 Hari Khamis)
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1D((12.10-12.40)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Oral Ex
                                        4. PBS-B1DL2E1
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

PSK Ting. 1G(2.45-3.35)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

Week  6 (4.2.2013-8.2.2013)
4.2.2013  Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(1.25-2.00)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me
 Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal
                                       Level 1: Taking part in conversation and discussion
                                       Language for informational
                                       Level 2: Reading materials such as articles in print and
                                                      Electronic media
  Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                               1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                              2. Read and understand the articles
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                         2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
 CCTS: identifying
 Conclusion: written
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: present tense
 ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can understand the articles and do the ex.

PSK Ting. 1J(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

5.2.2013 Hari Selesa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes: Grammar
                                      1. Negative statements
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                  1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                                  2.  Read and match column A and column B
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – Negative statements
                                            2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
                                            3. Read match - drilling
 Conclusion:  written ex.
CCTS:  identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: negative statements
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: satisfactory – students can match the answers correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me
 Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal
                                       Level 1: Taking part in conversation and discussion
                                       Language for informational
                                       Level 2: Reading materials such as articles in print and
                                                      Electronic media
  Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                               1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                              2. Read and understand the articles
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                         2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
 CCTS: identifying
 Conclusion: written
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: present tense
 ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can understand the articles and do the ex.

6.2.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
             Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                 
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: past tense
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(12.50-2.00)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes: Grammar
                                      1. Negative statements
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                  1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                                  2.  Read and match column A and column B
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – Negative statements
                                            2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
                                            3. Read match - drilling
 Conclusion:  written ex.
CCTS:  identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: negative statements
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: satisfactory – students can match the answers correctly.

7.2.2013 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(1.25-2.00)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
             Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                 
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: past tense
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

PSK Ting. 1B(2.00-3.10)1C4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

8.2.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(2.00-3.10)1D(3.10-3.45)
Theme: People
                                    Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes:  Review
                                                                           Level  3. Writing recounts
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. use the negative statements correctly
                                    Lesson Development:  1. Revise previous lessons
                                         2. Oral ex.
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS: Identifying
                                     Moral value: Co-operation
 Language content: negative statements
                                     ABM:  Textbook,   Reference book
                                     Reflection: students can do the ex. well

PSK Ting. 1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

Week  5  (28.1.2013-2.2.2012)
28.1.2013  Hari  Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(1.25-2.00)
 Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

PSK Ting. 1G(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

29.1.2013 Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1D(4.35-5.45)
 Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
                                          4. PBS-B1DL1E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

30.1.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(12.50-2.00)
Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
                                          4. PBS-B1DL1E1, B1DL2E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Oral Ex
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

31.1.2013 Hari Khamis


1.1.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(2.00-3.10)1D(3.10-3.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Text completion
                                        4. Oral Ex
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

PSK Ting. 1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

2.2.2013 Hari Sabtu (Hari gantian -14.2.2013 Hari Khamis)
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1D((12.10-12.40)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Oral Ex
                                        4. PBS-B1DL2E1
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

PSK Ting. 1G(2.45-3.35)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

Week  6 (4.2.2013-8.2.2013)
4.2.2013  Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(1.25-2.00)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me
 Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal
                                       Level 1: Taking part in conversation and discussion
                                       Language for informational
                                       Level 2: Reading materials such as articles in print and
                                                      Electronic media
  Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                               1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                              2. Read and understand the articles
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                         2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
 CCTS: identifying
 Conclusion: written
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: present tense
 ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can understand the articles and do the ex.

PSK Ting. 1J(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

5.2.2013 Hari Selesa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes: Grammar
                                      1. Negative statements
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                  1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                                  2.  Read and match column A and column B
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – Negative statements
                                            2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
                                            3. Read match - drilling
 Conclusion:  written ex.
CCTS:  identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: negative statements
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: satisfactory – students can match the answers correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me
 Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal
                                       Level 1: Taking part in conversation and discussion
                                       Language for informational
                                       Level 2: Reading materials such as articles in print and
                                                      Electronic media
  Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                               1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                              2. Read and understand the articles
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                         2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
 CCTS: identifying
 Conclusion: written
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: present tense
 ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can understand the articles and do the ex.

6.2.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
             Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                 
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: past tense
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(12.50-2.00)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes: Grammar
                                      1. Negative statements
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                  1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                                  2.  Read and match column A and column B
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – Negative statements
                                            2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
                                            3. Read match - drilling
 Conclusion:  written ex.
CCTS:  identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: negative statements
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: satisfactory – students can match the answers correctly.

7.2.2013 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(1.25-2.00)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
             Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                 
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: past tense
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

PSK Ting. 1B(2.00-3.10)1C4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

8.2.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(2.00-3.10)1D(3.10-3.45)
Theme: People
                                    Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes:  Review
                                                                           Level  3. Writing recounts
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. use the negative statements correctly
                                    Lesson Development:  1. Revise previous lessons
                                         2. Oral ex.
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS: Identifying
                                     Moral value: Co-operation
 Language content: negative statements
                                     ABM:  Textbook,   Reference book
                                     Reflection: students can do the ex. well

PSK Ting. 1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

Week  5  (28.1.2013-2.2.2012)
28.1.2013  Hari  Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(1.25-2.00)
 Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

PSK Ting. 1G(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

29.1.2013 Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1D(4.35-5.45)
 Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
                                          4. PBS-B1DL1E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

30.1.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(12.50-2.00)
Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
                                          4. PBS-B1DL1E1, B1DL2E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Oral Ex
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

31.1.2013 Hari Khamis


1.1.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(2.00-3.10)1D(3.10-3.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Text completion
                                        4. Oral Ex
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

PSK Ting. 1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

2.2.2013 Hari Sabtu (Hari gantian -14.2.2013 Hari Khamis)
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1D((12.10-12.40)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Oral Ex
                                        4. PBS-B1DL2E1
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

PSK Ting. 1G(2.45-3.35)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

Week  6 (4.2.2013-8.2.2013)
4.2.2013  Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(1.25-2.00)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me
 Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal
                                       Level 1: Taking part in conversation and discussion
                                       Language for informational
                                       Level 2: Reading materials such as articles in print and
                                                      Electronic media
  Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                               1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                              2. Read and understand the articles
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                         2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
 CCTS: identifying
 Conclusion: written
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: present tense
 ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can understand the articles and do the ex.

PSK Ting. 1J(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

5.2.2013 Hari Selesa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes: Grammar
                                      1. Negative statements
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                  1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                                  2.  Read and match column A and column B
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – Negative statements
                                            2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
                                            3. Read match - drilling
 Conclusion:  written ex.
CCTS:  identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: negative statements
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: satisfactory – students can match the answers correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me
 Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal
                                       Level 1: Taking part in conversation and discussion
                                       Language for informational
                                       Level 2: Reading materials such as articles in print and
                                                      Electronic media
  Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                               1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                              2. Read and understand the articles
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                         2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
 CCTS: identifying
 Conclusion: written
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: present tense
 ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can understand the articles and do the ex.

6.2.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
             Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                 
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: past tense
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(12.50-2.00)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes: Grammar
                                      1. Negative statements
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                  1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                                  2.  Read and match column A and column B
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – Negative statements
                                            2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
                                            3. Read match - drilling
 Conclusion:  written ex.
CCTS:  identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: negative statements
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: satisfactory – students can match the answers correctly.

7.2.2013 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(1.25-2.00)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
             Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                 
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: past tense
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

PSK Ting. 1B(2.00-3.10)1C4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

8.2.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(2.00-3.10)1D(3.10-3.45)
Theme: People
                                    Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes:  Review
                                                                           Level  3. Writing recounts
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. use the negative statements correctly
                                    Lesson Development:  1. Revise previous lessons
                                         2. Oral ex.
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS: Identifying
                                     Moral value: Co-operation
 Language content: negative statements
                                     ABM:  Textbook,   Reference book
                                     Reflection: students can do the ex. well

PSK Ting. 1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

Week  5  (28.1.2013-2.2.2012)
28.1.2013  Hari  Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(1.25-2.00)
 Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

PSK Ting. 1G(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

29.1.2013 Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1D(4.35-5.45)
 Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
                                          4. PBS-B1DL1E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

30.1.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(12.50-2.00)
Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
                                          4. PBS-B1DL1E1, B1DL2E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Oral Ex
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

31.1.2013 Hari Khamis


1.1.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(2.00-3.10)1D(3.10-3.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Text completion
                                        4. Oral Ex
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

PSK Ting. 1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

2.2.2013 Hari Sabtu (Hari gantian -14.2.2013 Hari Khamis)
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1D((12.10-12.40)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Oral Ex
                                        4. PBS-B1DL2E1
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

PSK Ting. 1G(2.45-3.35)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

Week  6 (4.2.2013-8.2.2013)
4.2.2013  Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(1.25-2.00)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me
 Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal
                                       Level 1: Taking part in conversation and discussion
                                       Language for informational
                                       Level 2: Reading materials such as articles in print and
                                                      Electronic media
  Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                               1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                              2. Read and understand the articles
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                         2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
 CCTS: identifying
 Conclusion: written
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: present tense
 ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can understand the articles and do the ex.

PSK Ting. 1J(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

5.2.2013 Hari Selesa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes: Grammar
                                      1. Negative statements
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                  1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                                  2.  Read and match column A and column B
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – Negative statements
                                            2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
                                            3. Read match - drilling
 Conclusion:  written ex.
CCTS:  identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: negative statements
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: satisfactory – students can match the answers correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me
 Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal
                                       Level 1: Taking part in conversation and discussion
                                       Language for informational
                                       Level 2: Reading materials such as articles in print and
                                                      Electronic media
  Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                               1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                              2. Read and understand the articles
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                         2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
 CCTS: identifying
 Conclusion: written
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: present tense
 ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can understand the articles and do the ex.

6.2.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
             Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                 
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: past tense
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(12.50-2.00)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes: Grammar
                                      1. Negative statements
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                  1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                                  2.  Read and match column A and column B
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – Negative statements
                                            2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
                                            3. Read match - drilling
 Conclusion:  written ex.
CCTS:  identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: negative statements
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: satisfactory – students can match the answers correctly.

7.2.2013 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(1.25-2.00)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
             Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                 
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: past tense
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

PSK Ting. 1B(2.00-3.10)1C4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

8.2.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(2.00-3.10)1D(3.10-3.45)
Theme: People
                                    Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes:  Review
                                                                           Level  3. Writing recounts
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. use the negative statements correctly
                                    Lesson Development:  1. Revise previous lessons
                                         2. Oral ex.
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS: Identifying
                                     Moral value: Co-operation
 Language content: negative statements
                                     ABM:  Textbook,   Reference book
                                     Reflection: students can do the ex. well

PSK Ting. 1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

Week  5  (28.1.2013-2.2.2012)
28.1.2013  Hari  Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(1.25-2.00)
 Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

PSK Ting. 1G(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

29.1.2013 Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1D(4.35-5.45)
 Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
                                          4. PBS-B1DL1E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

30.1.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(12.50-2.00)
Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
                                          4. PBS-B1DL1E1, B1DL2E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Oral Ex
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

31.1.2013 Hari Khamis


1.1.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(2.00-3.10)1D(3.10-3.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Text completion
                                        4. Oral Ex
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

PSK Ting. 1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

2.2.2013 Hari Sabtu (Hari gantian -14.2.2013 Hari Khamis)
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1D((12.10-12.40)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Oral Ex
                                        4. PBS-B1DL2E1
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

PSK Ting. 1G(2.45-3.35)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

Week  6 (4.2.2013-8.2.2013)
4.2.2013  Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(1.25-2.00)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me
 Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal
                                       Level 1: Taking part in conversation and discussion
                                       Language for informational
                                       Level 2: Reading materials such as articles in print and
                                                      Electronic media
  Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                               1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                              2. Read and understand the articles
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                         2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
 CCTS: identifying
 Conclusion: written
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: present tense
 ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can understand the articles and do the ex.

PSK Ting. 1J(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

5.2.2013 Hari Selesa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes: Grammar
                                      1. Negative statements
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                  1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                                  2.  Read and match column A and column B
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – Negative statements
                                            2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
                                            3. Read match - drilling
 Conclusion:  written ex.
CCTS:  identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: negative statements
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: satisfactory – students can match the answers correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me
 Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal
                                       Level 1: Taking part in conversation and discussion
                                       Language for informational
                                       Level 2: Reading materials such as articles in print and
                                                      Electronic media
  Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                               1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                              2. Read and understand the articles
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                         2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
 CCTS: identifying
 Conclusion: written
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: present tense
 ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can understand the articles and do the ex.

6.2.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
             Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                 
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: past tense
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(12.50-2.00)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes: Grammar
                                      1. Negative statements
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                  1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                                  2.  Read and match column A and column B
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – Negative statements
                                            2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
                                            3. Read match - drilling
 Conclusion:  written ex.
CCTS:  identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: negative statements
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: satisfactory – students can match the answers correctly.

7.2.2013 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(1.25-2.00)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
             Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                 
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: past tense
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

PSK Ting. 1B(2.00-3.10)1C4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

8.2.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(2.00-3.10)1D(3.10-3.45)
Theme: People
                                    Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes:  Review
                                                                           Level  3. Writing recounts
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. use the negative statements correctly
                                    Lesson Development:  1. Revise previous lessons
                                         2. Oral ex.
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS: Identifying
                                     Moral value: Co-operation
 Language content: negative statements
                                     ABM:  Textbook,   Reference book
                                     Reflection: students can do the ex. well

PSK Ting. 1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

Week  5  (28.1.2013-2.2.2012)
28.1.2013  Hari  Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(1.25-2.00)
 Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

PSK Ting. 1G(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

29.1.2013 Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1D(4.35-5.45)
 Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
                                          4. PBS-B1DL1E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

30.1.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(12.50-2.00)
Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
                                          4. PBS-B1DL1E1, B1DL2E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Oral Ex
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

31.1.2013 Hari Khamis


1.1.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(2.00-3.10)1D(3.10-3.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Text completion
                                        4. Oral Ex
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

PSK Ting. 1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

2.2.2013 Hari Sabtu (Hari gantian -14.2.2013 Hari Khamis)
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1D((12.10-12.40)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Oral Ex
                                        4. PBS-B1DL2E1
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

PSK Ting. 1G(2.45-3.35)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

Week  6 (4.2.2013-8.2.2013)
4.2.2013  Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(1.25-2.00)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me
 Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal
                                       Level 1: Taking part in conversation and discussion
                                       Language for informational
                                       Level 2: Reading materials such as articles in print and
                                                      Electronic media
  Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                               1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                              2. Read and understand the articles
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                         2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
 CCTS: identifying
 Conclusion: written
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: present tense
 ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can understand the articles and do the ex.

PSK Ting. 1J(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

5.2.2013 Hari Selesa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes: Grammar
                                      1. Negative statements
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                  1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                                  2.  Read and match column A and column B
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – Negative statements
                                            2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
                                            3. Read match - drilling
 Conclusion:  written ex.
CCTS:  identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: negative statements
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: satisfactory – students can match the answers correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me
 Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal
                                       Level 1: Taking part in conversation and discussion
                                       Language for informational
                                       Level 2: Reading materials such as articles in print and
                                                      Electronic media
  Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                               1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                              2. Read and understand the articles
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                         2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
 CCTS: identifying
 Conclusion: written
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: present tense
 ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can understand the articles and do the ex.

6.2.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
             Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                 
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: past tense
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(12.50-2.00)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes: Grammar
                                      1. Negative statements
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                  1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                                  2.  Read and match column A and column B
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – Negative statements
                                            2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
                                            3. Read match - drilling
 Conclusion:  written ex.
CCTS:  identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: negative statements
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: satisfactory – students can match the answers correctly.

7.2.2013 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(1.25-2.00)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
             Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                 
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: past tense
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

PSK Ting. 1B(2.00-3.10)1C4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

8.2.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(2.00-3.10)1D(3.10-3.45)
Theme: People
                                    Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes:  Review
                                                                           Level  3. Writing recounts
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. use the negative statements correctly
                                    Lesson Development:  1. Revise previous lessons
                                         2. Oral ex.
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS: Identifying
                                     Moral value: Co-operation
 Language content: negative statements
                                     ABM:  Textbook,   Reference book
                                     Reflection: students can do the ex. well

PSK Ting. 1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

Week  5  (28.1.2013-2.2.2012)
28.1.2013  Hari  Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(1.25-2.00)
 Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

PSK Ting. 1G(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

29.1.2013 Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1D(4.35-5.45)
 Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
                                          4. PBS-B1DL1E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

30.1.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(12.50-2.00)
Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
                                          4. PBS-B1DL1E1, B1DL2E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Oral Ex
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

31.1.2013 Hari Khamis


1.1.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(2.00-3.10)1D(3.10-3.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Text completion
                                        4. Oral Ex
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

PSK Ting. 1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

2.2.2013 Hari Sabtu (Hari gantian -14.2.2013 Hari Khamis)
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1D((12.10-12.40)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Oral Ex
                                        4. PBS-B1DL2E1
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

PSK Ting. 1G(2.45-3.35)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

Week  6 (4.2.2013-8.2.2013)
4.2.2013  Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(1.25-2.00)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me
 Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal
                                       Level 1: Taking part in conversation and discussion
                                       Language for informational
                                       Level 2: Reading materials such as articles in print and
                                                      Electronic media
  Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                               1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                              2. Read and understand the articles
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                         2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
 CCTS: identifying
 Conclusion: written
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: present tense
 ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can understand the articles and do the ex.

PSK Ting. 1J(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

5.2.2013 Hari Selesa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes: Grammar
                                      1. Negative statements
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                  1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                                  2.  Read and match column A and column B
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – Negative statements
                                            2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
                                            3. Read match - drilling
 Conclusion:  written ex.
CCTS:  identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: negative statements
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: satisfactory – students can match the answers correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me
 Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal
                                       Level 1: Taking part in conversation and discussion
                                       Language for informational
                                       Level 2: Reading materials such as articles in print and
                                                      Electronic media
  Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                               1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                              2. Read and understand the articles
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                         2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
 CCTS: identifying
 Conclusion: written
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: present tense
 ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can understand the articles and do the ex.

6.2.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
             Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                 
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: past tense
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(12.50-2.00)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes: Grammar
                                      1. Negative statements
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                  1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                                  2.  Read and match column A and column B
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – Negative statements
                                            2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
                                            3. Read match - drilling
 Conclusion:  written ex.
CCTS:  identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: negative statements
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: satisfactory – students can match the answers correctly.

7.2.2013 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(1.25-2.00)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
             Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                 
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: past tense
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

PSK Ting. 1B(2.00-3.10)1C4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

8.2.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(2.00-3.10)1D(3.10-3.45)
Theme: People
                                    Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes:  Review
                                                                           Level  3. Writing recounts
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. use the negative statements correctly
                                    Lesson Development:  1. Revise previous lessons
                                         2. Oral ex.
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS: Identifying
                                     Moral value: Co-operation
 Language content: negative statements
                                     ABM:  Textbook,   Reference book
                                     Reflection: students can do the ex. well

PSK Ting. 1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

Week  5  (28.1.2013-2.2.2012)
28.1.2013  Hari  Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(1.25-2.00)
 Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

PSK Ting. 1G(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

29.1.2013 Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1D(4.35-5.45)
 Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
                                          4. PBS-B1DL1E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

30.1.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(12.50-2.00)
Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
                                          4. PBS-B1DL1E1, B1DL2E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Oral Ex
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

31.1.2013 Hari Khamis


1.1.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(2.00-3.10)1D(3.10-3.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Text completion
                                        4. Oral Ex
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

PSK Ting. 1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

2.2.2013 Hari Sabtu (Hari gantian -14.2.2013 Hari Khamis)
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1D((12.10-12.40)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Oral Ex
                                        4. PBS-B1DL2E1
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

PSK Ting. 1G(2.45-3.35)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

Week  6 (4.2.2013-8.2.2013)
4.2.2013  Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(1.25-2.00)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me
 Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal
                                       Level 1: Taking part in conversation and discussion
                                       Language for informational
                                       Level 2: Reading materials such as articles in print and
                                                      Electronic media
  Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                               1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                              2. Read and understand the articles
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                         2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
 CCTS: identifying
 Conclusion: written
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: present tense
 ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can understand the articles and do the ex.

PSK Ting. 1J(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

5.2.2013 Hari Selesa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes: Grammar
                                      1. Negative statements
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                  1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                                  2.  Read and match column A and column B
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – Negative statements
                                            2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
                                            3. Read match - drilling
 Conclusion:  written ex.
CCTS:  identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: negative statements
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: satisfactory – students can match the answers correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me
 Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal
                                       Level 1: Taking part in conversation and discussion
                                       Language for informational
                                       Level 2: Reading materials such as articles in print and
                                                      Electronic media
  Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                               1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                              2. Read and understand the articles
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                         2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
 CCTS: identifying
 Conclusion: written
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: present tense
 ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can understand the articles and do the ex.

6.2.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
             Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                 
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: past tense
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(12.50-2.00)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes: Grammar
                                      1. Negative statements
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                  1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                                  2.  Read and match column A and column B
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – Negative statements
                                            2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
                                            3. Read match - drilling
 Conclusion:  written ex.
CCTS:  identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: negative statements
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: satisfactory – students can match the answers correctly.

7.2.2013 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(1.25-2.00)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
             Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                 
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: past tense
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

PSK Ting. 1B(2.00-3.10)1C4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

8.2.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(2.00-3.10)1D(3.10-3.45)
Theme: People
                                    Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes:  Review
                                                                           Level  3. Writing recounts
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. use the negative statements correctly
                                    Lesson Development:  1. Revise previous lessons
                                         2. Oral ex.
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS: Identifying
                                     Moral value: Co-operation
 Language content: negative statements
                                     ABM:  Textbook,   Reference book
                                     Reflection: students can do the ex. well

PSK Ting. 1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

Week  5  (28.1.2013-2.2.2012)
28.1.2013  Hari  Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(1.25-2.00)
 Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

PSK Ting. 1G(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

29.1.2013 Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1D(4.35-5.45)
 Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
                                          4. PBS-B1DL1E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

30.1.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1D(12.50-2.00)
Theme: People
 Topic: Family Ties
 Learning out-come: GRAMMAR
                                      SIMPLE PAST TENSE
 Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                              1. Use simple past tense correctly
                                              2. Completion of text using simple past tense
 Lesson Development:  1.Explain the usage of simple past tense
                                          2. Give examples
                                          3. Drilling
                                          4. PBS-B1DL1E1, B1DL2E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS:  identify 
 Moral value:  Co-operation
 Language content:  simple past tense
 Reflection: satisfactory, students can understand when to use past tense.

Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Oral Ex
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

31.1.2013 Hari Khamis


1.1.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1G(2.00-3.10)1D(3.10-3.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Text completion
                                        4. Oral Ex
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

PSK Ting. 1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

2.2.2013 Hari Sabtu (Hari gantian -14.2.2013 Hari Khamis)
Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 1D((12.10-12.40)
Theme: People
Topic: Family Ties
Learning out-come:  Grammar
                                      Prepositions- prepositions of place
Objectives of the lesson:  At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                             1. Use prepositions of place correctly
Lesson Development: 1.Explain the usage of prepositions of place
                                            -on, near, in
                                        2. Give examples and drilling
                                        3. Oral Ex
                                        4. PBS-B1DL2E1
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS:  Identify prepositions of place
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content; prepositions of places
ABM: Textbook, reference books
Reflection: students can use the preposition well.

PSK Ting. 1G(2.45-3.35)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

Week  6 (4.2.2013-8.2.2013)
4.2.2013  Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(1.25-2.00)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me
 Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal
                                       Level 1: Taking part in conversation and discussion
                                       Language for informational
                                       Level 2: Reading materials such as articles in print and
                                                      Electronic media
  Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                               1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                              2. Read and understand the articles
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                         2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
 CCTS: identifying
 Conclusion: written
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: present tense
 ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can understand the articles and do the ex.

PSK Ting. 1J(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

5.2.2013 Hari Selesa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes: Grammar
                                      1. Negative statements
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                  1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                                  2.  Read and match column A and column B
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – Negative statements
                                            2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
                                            3. Read match - drilling
 Conclusion:  written ex.
CCTS:  identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: negative statements
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: satisfactory – students can match the answers correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me
 Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal
                                       Level 1: Taking part in conversation and discussion
                                       Language for informational
                                       Level 2: Reading materials such as articles in print and
                                                      Electronic media
  Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                               1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                              2. Read and understand the articles
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                         2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
 CCTS: identifying
 Conclusion: written
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: present tense
 ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can understand the articles and do the ex.

6.2.2013 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
             Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                 
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: past tense
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(12.50-2.00)
Theme: People
Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes: Grammar
                                      1. Negative statements
Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                  1. Take part in conversation and discussion
                                                  2.  Read and match column A and column B
 Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – Negative statements
                                            2. Read the article – discussion and oral ex.
                                            3. Read match - drilling
 Conclusion:  written ex.
CCTS:  identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: negative statements
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: satisfactory – students can match the answers correctly.

7.2.2013 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(1.25-2.00)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
             Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                 
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
Moral value: Co-operation
Language content: past tense
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

PSK Ting. 1B(2.00-3.10)1C4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

8.2.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(2.00-3.10)1D(3.10-3.45)
Theme: People
                                    Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes:  Review
                                                                           Level  3. Writing recounts
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. use the negative statements correctly
                                    Lesson Development:  1. Revise previous lessons
                                         2. Oral ex.
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS: Identifying
                                     Moral value: Co-operation
 Language content: negative statements
                                     ABM:  Textbook,   Reference book
                                     Reflection: students can do the ex. well

PSK Ting. 1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Tajuk: B. Penyelesaian konflik-pengaruh rakan sebaya
                 Aktiviti –mengenalpasti tingkahlaku antisocial dan agresif dan cara mengatasinya.
                                 PBS- B1D1E1
Hasil Pembelajaran:
Pengetahuan :Menghuraikan kepentingan memilih rakan yang bijak
Kemahiran: Membuat keputusan  yang bijak dalam menangani pengaruh negative.
Nilai: Menjaga maruah diri dalam pergaulan dengan orang lain.
BBB: buku teks
Pendekataan : aktif

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