Monday, February 25, 2013


 Week 7 (11.2.2013-15.2.2013)

Cuti CNY

Week  8  (18.2.2013-22.2.13)
18.2.2013 Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(1.25-3.10)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
              Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
                                          3.  PBS – B1DB1E1
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
 Moral value: Co-operation
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

PSK Ting. 1J(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Unit 1. Identiti Diri
Band : 1
Penyataan Standard : B1
                                        Mengetahui asas identity diri , keluarga, masyarakat, budaya, kewarganegaraan dan
                                        Cabaran masa depan
Deskriptor: B1D1
                      Mengetahui biodata diri

Evidens: B1D1E1
                 Menyatakan biodata diri
Aktiviti Pentaksiran :
                                     1. Pelajar dimina  melengkapkan biodata diri dalam borong yang disediakan.
                                     2. Pelajar membaca apa yang ditulis di hadapan kelas
Refleksi: Seorang pelajar tidak pandai membaca langsung, yang lain aktif.

19.2.2013  Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
                                    Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes:  Review
                                                                           Level  3. Writing recounts
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. use the negative statements correctly
                                    Lesson Development:  1. Revise previous lessons
                                         2. Oral ex.
                                         3.  PBS- B1DB1E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS: Identifying
                                     Moral value: Co-operation
 Language content: negative statements
                                     ABM:  Textbook,   Reference book
                                     Reflection: students can do the passage using negative statements correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
              Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
                                          3.  PBS – B1DB1E1
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
 Moral value: Co-operation
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

20.2.2013  Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(12.50-2.00)
 Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
              Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
                                          3.  PBS – B1DB1E1
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
 Moral value: Co-operation
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
                                    Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes:  Review
                                                                           Level  3. Writing recounts
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. write greetings/wishes
                                    Lesson Development:  1. Revise previous lessons
                                         2. Oral ex.
                                         PBS- B1DT1E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS: Identifying
                                     Moral value: Co-operation
 Language content: Greeting
                                     ABM:  Textbook,   Reference book
                                     Reflection: students can write a greeting card to their friends.

21.2.2013 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(1.25-1.55)
Theme: People
                                    Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes:  Review
                                                                           Level  3. Writing recounts
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. write greetings/wishes
                                    Lesson Development:  1. Revise previous lessons
                                         2. Oral ex.
                                         PBS- B1DT1E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS: Identifying
                                     Moral value: Co-operation
 Language content: Greeting
                                     ABM:  Textbook,   Reference book
                                     Reflection: students can write a greeting wishes to their friends.

PSK Ting. 1B(2.25-3.25)1C(4.40-5.40)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Unit 1. Identiti Diri
Band : 1
Penyataan Standard : B1
                                        Mengetahui asas identity diri , keluarga, masyarakat, budaya, kewarganegaraan dan
                                        Cabaran masa depan
Deskriptor: B1D1
                      Mengetahui biodata diri

Evidens: B1D1E1
                 Menyatakan biodata diri
Aktiviti Pentaksiran :
                                     1. Pelajar dimina  melengkapkan biodata diri dalam borong yang disediakan.
                                     2. Pelajar membaca apa yang ditulis di hadapan kelas
Refleksi: Semua pelajar aktif.

22.2.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(2.00-3.10)1D(3.10-3.45)
Theme: People
                                    Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes:  Review
                                                                           Level  3. Writing recounts
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. write greetings/wishes and a note of apology
                                    Lesson Development:  1. Revise previous lessons
                                         2. Oral ex.
                                         PBS- B1DT1E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS: Identifying
                                     Moral value: Co-operation
 Language content: Greeting
                                     ABM:  Textbook,   Reference book
                                     Reflection: students can write a greeting wishes and a note of apology to their friends.

PSK Ting. 1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Unit 1. Identiti Diri
Band : 1
Penyataan Standard : B1
                                        Mengetahui asas identity diri , keluarga, masyarakat, budaya, kewarganegaraan dan
                                        Cabaran masa depan
Deskriptor: B1D1
                      Mengetahui biodata diri

Evidens: B1D1E1
                 Menyatakan biodata diri
Aktiviti Pentaksiran :
                                     1. Pelajar dimina  melengkapkan biodata diri dalam borong yang disediakan.
                                     2. Pelajar membaca apa yang ditulis di hadapan kelas
Refleksi: Semua pelajar aktif.

 Week 7 (11.2.2013-15.2.2013)

Cuti CNY

Week  8  (18.2.2013-22.2.13)
18.2.2013 Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(1.25-3.10)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
              Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
                                          3.  PBS – B1DB1E1
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
 Moral value: Co-operation
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

PSK Ting. 1J(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Unit 1. Identiti Diri
Band : 1
Penyataan Standard : B1
                                        Mengetahui asas identity diri , keluarga, masyarakat, budaya, kewarganegaraan dan
                                        Cabaran masa depan
Deskriptor: B1D1
                      Mengetahui biodata diri

Evidens: B1D1E1
                 Menyatakan biodata diri
Aktiviti Pentaksiran :
                                     1. Pelajar dimina  melengkapkan biodata diri dalam borong yang disediakan.
                                     2. Pelajar membaca apa yang ditulis di hadapan kelas
Refleksi: Seorang pelajar tidak pandai membaca langsung, yang lain aktif.

19.2.2013  Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
                                    Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes:  Review
                                                                           Level  3. Writing recounts
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. use the negative statements correctly
                                    Lesson Development:  1. Revise previous lessons
                                         2. Oral ex.
                                         3.  PBS- B1DB1E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS: Identifying
                                     Moral value: Co-operation
 Language content: negative statements
                                     ABM:  Textbook,   Reference book
                                     Reflection: students can do the passage using negative statements correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
              Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
                                          3.  PBS – B1DB1E1
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
 Moral value: Co-operation
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

20.2.2013  Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(12.50-2.00)
 Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
              Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
                                          3.  PBS – B1DB1E1
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
 Moral value: Co-operation
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
                                    Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes:  Review
                                                                           Level  3. Writing recounts
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. write greetings/wishes
                                    Lesson Development:  1. Revise previous lessons
                                         2. Oral ex.
                                         PBS- B1DT1E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS: Identifying
                                     Moral value: Co-operation
 Language content: Greeting
                                     ABM:  Textbook,   Reference book
                                     Reflection: students can write a greeting card to their friends.

21.2.2013 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(1.25-1.55)
Theme: People
                                    Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes:  Review
                                                                           Level  3. Writing recounts
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. write greetings/wishes
                                    Lesson Development:  1. Revise previous lessons
                                         2. Oral ex.
                                         PBS- B1DT1E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS: Identifying
                                     Moral value: Co-operation
 Language content: Greeting
                                     ABM:  Textbook,   Reference book
                                     Reflection: students can write a greeting wishes to their friends.

PSK Ting. 1B(2.25-3.25)1C(4.40-5.40)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Unit 1. Identiti Diri
Band : 1
Penyataan Standard : B1
                                        Mengetahui asas identity diri , keluarga, masyarakat, budaya, kewarganegaraan dan
                                        Cabaran masa depan
Deskriptor: B1D1
                      Mengetahui biodata diri

Evidens: B1D1E1
                 Menyatakan biodata diri
Aktiviti Pentaksiran :
                                     1. Pelajar dimina  melengkapkan biodata diri dalam borong yang disediakan.
                                     2. Pelajar membaca apa yang ditulis di hadapan kelas
Refleksi: Semua pelajar aktif.

22.2.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(2.00-3.10)1D(3.10-3.45)
Theme: People
                                    Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes:  Review
                                                                           Level  3. Writing recounts
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. write greetings/wishes and a note of apology
                                    Lesson Development:  1. Revise previous lessons
                                         2. Oral ex.
                                         PBS- B1DT1E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS: Identifying
                                     Moral value: Co-operation
 Language content: Greeting
                                     ABM:  Textbook,   Reference book
                                     Reflection: students can write a greeting wishes and a note of apology to their friends.

PSK Ting. 1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Unit 1. Identiti Diri
Band : 1
Penyataan Standard : B1
                                        Mengetahui asas identity diri , keluarga, masyarakat, budaya, kewarganegaraan dan
                                        Cabaran masa depan
Deskriptor: B1D1
                      Mengetahui biodata diri

Evidens: B1D1E1
                 Menyatakan biodata diri
Aktiviti Pentaksiran :
                                     1. Pelajar dimina  melengkapkan biodata diri dalam borong yang disediakan.
                                     2. Pelajar membaca apa yang ditulis di hadapan kelas
Refleksi: Semua pelajar aktif.


Week 7 (11.2.2013-15.2.2013)

Cuti CNY

Week  8  (18.2.2013-22.2.13)
18.2.2013 Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(1.25-3.10)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
              Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
                                          3.  PBS – B1DB1E1
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
 Moral value: Co-operation
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

PSK Ting. 1J(4.35-5.45)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Unit 1. Identiti Diri
Band : 1
Penyataan Standard : B1
                                        Mengetahui asas identity diri , keluarga, masyarakat, budaya, kewarganegaraan dan
                                        Cabaran masa depan
Deskriptor: B1D1
                      Mengetahui biodata diri

Evidens: B1D1E1
                 Menyatakan biodata diri
Aktiviti Pentaksiran :
                                     1. Pelajar dimina  melengkapkan biodata diri dalam borong yang disediakan.
                                     2. Pelajar membaca apa yang ditulis di hadapan kelas
Refleksi: Seorang pelajar tidak pandai membaca langsung, yang lain aktif.

19.2.2013  Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
                                    Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes:  Review
                                                                           Level  3. Writing recounts
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. use the negative statements correctly
                                    Lesson Development:  1. Revise previous lessons
                                         2. Oral ex.
                                         3.  PBS- B1DB1E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS: Identifying
                                     Moral value: Co-operation
 Language content: negative statements
                                     ABM:  Textbook,   Reference book
                                     Reflection: students can do the passage using negative statements correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(5.45-6.20)
Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
              Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
                                          3.  PBS – B1DB1E1
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
 Moral value: Co-operation
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

20.2.2013  Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(12.50-2.00)
 Theme: People
             Topic: Stand by me.
              Learning out-comes:  Aesthetic                                                                                                                
                                                                            Level 1: Read short story.
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. Read and understand the story
                                             2. Dramatising the texts.
Lesson Development:  1. Brainstorming – talk about feeling
                                          2. Read the short story – discussion and oral
                                          3.  PBS – B1DB1E1
Conclusion: Written ex
CCTS: identifying
 Moral value: Co-operation
ABM:  textbook, Reference book
Reflection: students can identify the characters and do the sequencing correctly.

Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(4.35-5.45)
Theme: People
                                    Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes:  Review
                                                                           Level  3. Writing recounts
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. write greetings/wishes
                                    Lesson Development:  1. Revise previous lessons
                                         2. Oral ex.
                                         PBS- B1DT1E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS: Identifying
                                     Moral value: Co-operation
 Language content: Greeting
                                     ABM:  Textbook,   Reference book
                                     Reflection: students can write a greeting card to their friends.

21.2.2013 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1D(1.25-1.55)
Theme: People
                                    Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes:  Review
                                                                           Level  3. Writing recounts
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. write greetings/wishes
                                    Lesson Development:  1. Revise previous lessons
                                         2. Oral ex.
                                         PBS- B1DT1E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS: Identifying
                                     Moral value: Co-operation
 Language content: Greeting
                                     ABM:  Textbook,   Reference book
                                     Reflection: students can write a greeting wishes to their friends.

PSK Ting. 1B(2.25-3.25)1C(4.40-5.40)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Unit 1. Identiti Diri
Band : 1
Penyataan Standard : B1
                                        Mengetahui asas identity diri , keluarga, masyarakat, budaya, kewarganegaraan dan
                                        Cabaran masa depan
Deskriptor: B1D1
                      Mengetahui biodata diri

Evidens: B1D1E1
                 Menyatakan biodata diri
Aktiviti Pentaksiran :
                                     1. Pelajar dimina  melengkapkan biodata diri dalam borong yang disediakan.
                                     2. Pelajar membaca apa yang ditulis di hadapan kelas
Refleksi: Semua pelajar aktif.

22.2.2013 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting.1G(2.00-3.10)1D(3.10-3.45)
Theme: People
                                    Topic: Stand by me.
Learning out-comes:  Review
                                                                           Level  3. Writing recounts
                                    Objectives of the lesson: At the end of the lesson students should be able to
                                                                                 1. write greetings/wishes and a note of apology
                                    Lesson Development:  1. Revise previous lessons
                                         2. Oral ex.
                                         PBS- B1DT1E1
 Conclusion: Written ex
 CCTS: Identifying
                                     Moral value: Co-operation
 Language content: Greeting
                                     ABM:  Textbook,   Reference book
                                     Reflection: students can write a greeting wishes and a note of apology to their friends.

PSK Ting. 1L(5.10-6.20)
Tema: Pencapaian Kendiri
Unit 1. Identiti Diri
Band : 1
Penyataan Standard : B1
                                        Mengetahui asas identity diri , keluarga, masyarakat, budaya, kewarganegaraan dan
                                        Cabaran masa depan
Deskriptor: B1D1
                      Mengetahui biodata diri

Evidens: B1D1E1
                 Menyatakan biodata diri
Aktiviti Pentaksiran :
                                     1. Pelajar dimina  melengkapkan biodata diri dalam borong yang disediakan.
                                     2. Pelajar membaca apa yang ditulis di hadapan kelas
Refleksi: Semua pelajar aktif.