Week 26 22.6.2009 -26.6.2009
22.6.2009 Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1E, 1G
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Safe Homes
Learning outcomes: Corrections
Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. do summary
Lesson development: 1. Read the article.
2. Discussion
3. Pick the important points orally.
Conclusion. Written ex.
CCTS. infer
Moral value: care
ABM: printed media
Language content: present tense
Reflection: satisfactory
( 1G dibatalkan kerana ada berjumpaan rumah sukan 4.00-5.00p.m )
23.6.2009 Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1G, 1M
Theme: Values
Topic: I’ll be there for you.
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
Level 1. Taking part in conversation and discussions.
Language for informational
Level 2. 1. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas.
Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. Give directions correctly
Lesson development: 1. Take part in conversations and discussions
2. Read an article on page 103 from textbook
3. Pick the important points orally.
Conclusion. Written ex.
CCTS. infer
Moral value: care
ABM: printed media
Language content: present tense
Reflection: satisfactory
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2D
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Time is Gold
Learning outcome: language for interpersonal
Level 1. 1. Making polite enquries about a Sports Centre.
Objectives: at the end of the lesson pupils are able to
1. make enquries about a Sports Centre
Lesson development: 1. To greet . to introduce oneself
2. To enquire politely
3. To thank
4. To bid farewell
Language content. I would like to know whether …………
Conclusion: written ex.
CCTS: To enquire
AVA: teacher’s module
Moral: values and citizenship-participation
Reflection: good
24.6.2009 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1E.
Theme: Values
Topic: I’ll be there for you.
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
Level 1. Taking part in conversation and discussions.
Language for informational
Level 2. 1. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas.
Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. Give directions correctly
Lesson development: 1. Take part in conversations and discussions
2. Read an article on page 103 from textbook
3. Pick the important points orally.
Conclusion. Written ex.
CCTS. infer
Moral value: care
ABM: printed media
Language content: present tense
Reflection: satisfactory
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2D
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Time is Gold
Learning outcome: language for interpersonal
Level 1. 1. Making polite enquries about a Sports Centre.
Objectives: at the end of the lesson pupils are able to
1. make enquries about a Sports Centre offers
Lesson development: 1. enqurieabout -
a. coaching lessons
b. renta of equipments
c. routes to centre
Language content. Simple present tense
Conclusion: written ex.
CCTS: problems solving
AVA: textbook
Moral: politeness
Reflection: satisfactory
PSK Ting.2L
Tema.; Malaysia Negara Berdaulat
Tajuk: Sistem Demokrasi Berparlimen Di Malaysia
Hasil Pembelajaran; Menerangkan sistem demokrasi di Malaysia
Kemahiran ; Menghayati pentingnya amalan demokrasi dikekalkan
Nilai: Menghargai dan menghormati amalan demokrasi di Malaysia
Pendekataan; aktif
25.6.2009 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1E, 1G
Theme: Values
Topic: I’ll be there for you.
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
Level 1. Taking part in conversation and discussions.
Language for informational
Level 2. 1. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas.
Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. Give directions correctly
Lesson development: 1. Take part in conversations and discussions
2. Read an article on page 103 from textbook
3. Pick the important points orally.
Conclusion. Written ex.
CCTS. infer
Moral value: care
ABM: printed media
Language content: present tense
Reflection: satisfactory
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. IM
Theme: Values.
Topic: I’ll be there for you
Learning out-comes: Grammar
1. nouns: concrete nouns- common and proper nouns
- gender
Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1.understand and use common and proper nouns
Lesson development: 1. Brainstrorming on the topic- common and proper nouns
2. Give examples and drilling
3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: infer
Moral value: care
ABM: Reference books, textbook
Language content: common and proper nouns
Reflection: satisfactory
26.6.2009 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1M
Theme: Values
Topic: I’ll be there for you.
Learning outcomes: Language for interpersonal
Level 1. Taking part in conversation and discussions.
Language for informational
Level 2. 1. skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas.
Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1. Give directions correctly
Lesson development: 1. Take part in conversations and discussions
2. Read an article on page 103 from textbook
3. Pick the important points orally.
Conclusion. Written ex.
CCTS. infer
Moral value: care
ABM: printed media
Language content: present tense
Reflection: satisfactory
PSK Ting.2A
Tema.; Malaysia Negara Berdaulat
Tajuk: Sistem Demokrasi Berparlimen Di Malaysia
Hasil Pembelajaran; Menerangkan sistem demokrasi di Malaysia
Kemahiran ; Menghayati pentingnya amalan demokrasi dikekalkan
Nilai: Menghargai dan menghormati amalan demokrasi di Malaysia
Pendekataan; aktif
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2D
Theme: Literature
Topic: The elements of a story
Learning outcome: language for asethetic
Objectives: at the end of the lesson pupils are able to
1. understand the four elements .
Lesson development: 1. Graphic presentation
Language content. Simple past tense
Conclusion: written ex.
CCTS: to imply
AVA: text book
Moral: determination
Reflection: satisfactory
Week 27 29.6.2009 – 3.7.2009
29.6.2009 Hari Isnin
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1E, 1G
Theme: Values.
Topic: I’ll be there for you
Learning out-comes: Grammar
1. nouns: concrete nouns- common and proper nouns
- gender
Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1.understand and use common and proper nouns
Lesson development: 1. Brainstrorming on the topic- common and proper nouns
2. Give examples and drilling
3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: infer
Moral value: care
ABM: Reference books, textbook
Language content: common and proper nouns
Reflection: satisfactory
30.6.2009 Hari Selasa
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. IG
Theme: Values.
Topic: Never too young, never too old.
Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal.
Level 1: Particpating in conversations and discussions
Carrying out a variety of language functions
Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1.understand the meaning of the topic- helping hands
2. read and understand the dialogue
Lesson development: 1. Brainstrorming on the topic
2. Read the dialogue and answers the questions that follow.
3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: Justifying and giving reasons
Moral value: charity
ABM: Reference books, textbook
Language content: past tense
Reflection: Satisfactory
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 1M
Theme: Values.
Topic: I’ll be there for you
Learning out-comes: Grammar
1. nouns: concrete nouns- common and proper nouns
- gender
Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1.understand and use common and proper nouns
Lesson development: 1. Brainstrorming on the topic- common and proper nouns
2. Give examples and drilling
3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: infer
Moral value: care
ABM: Reference books, textbook
Language content: common and proper nouns
Reflection: satisfactory
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2D
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Time is Gold
Learning outcome: language for interpersonal
Level 1. 1. Making polite enquries about a Sports Centre.
Objectives: at the end of the lesson pupils are able to
1. make enquries about a Sports Centre offers
Lesson development: 1. enqurieabout -
a. coaching lessons
b. renta of equipments
c. routes to centre
Language content. Simple present tense
Conclusion: written ex.
CCTS: problems solving
AVA: textbook
Moral: politeness
Reflection: satisfactory
1.7.2009 Hari Rabu
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. IE
Theme: Values.
Topic: Never too young, never too old.
Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal.
Level 1: Particpating in conversations and discussions
Carrying out a variety of language functions
Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1.understand the meaning of the topic- helping hands
2. read and understand the dialogue
Lesson development: 1. Brainstrorming on the topic
2. Read the dialogue and answers the questions that follow.
3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: Justifying and giving reasons
Moral value: charity
ABM: Reference books, textbook
Language content: past tense
PSK Ting.2L
Tema.; Malaysia Negara Berdaulat
Tajuk: Sistem Demokrasi di Malaysia
Hasil Pembelajaran; Menghuraikan sistem demokrasi di Malaysia.
Kemahiran ; Mengamalkan dan mengekalkan sistem demokrasi
Nilai: Menghormati amalan demokrasi di Malaysia
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2D
Theme: Social Issues
Topic: Time is Gold
Learning outcome: language for informational
Level 2. Read and understand excerpts of a diary
Objectives: at the end of the lesson pupils are able to
1. Do comprehension questions
Lesson development: 1. What is a diary?
2. Why is a diary useful?
3. Oral questions
Language content. Simple present tense
Conclusion: written ex.
CCTS: decision making
AVA: textbook
Moral: understand
2.7.2009 Hari Khamis
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. IE. 1G.
Theme: Values.
Topic: Never too young, never too old.
Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal.
Level 1: Particpating in conversations and discussions
Carrying out a variety of language functions
Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1.understand the meaning of the topic- helping hands
2. read and understand the dialogue
Lesson development: 1. Brainstrorming on the topic
2. Read the dialogue and answers the questions that follow.
3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: Justifying and giving reasons
Moral value: charity
ABM: Reference books, textbook
Language content: past tense
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. IM
Theme: Values.
Topic: Never too young, never too old.
Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal.
Level 1: Particpating in conversations and discussions
Carrying out a variety of language functions
Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1.understand the meaning of the topic- helping hands
2. read and understand the dialogue
Lesson development: 1. Brainstrorming on the topic
2. Read the dialogue and answers the questions that follow.
3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: Justifying and giving reasons
Moral value: charity
ABM: Reference books, textbook
Language content: past tense
3.7.2009 Hari Jumaat
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. IM
Theme: Values.
Topic: Never too young, never too old.
Learning out-comes: Language for interpersonal.
Level 1: Particpating in conversations and discussions
Carrying out a variety of language functions
Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to
1.understand the meaning of the topic- helping hands
2. read and understand the dialogue
Lesson development: 1. Brainstrorming on the topic
2. Read the dialogue and answers the questions that follow.
3. Oral ex.
Conclusion: Written ex.
CCTS: Justifying and giving reasons
Moral value: charity
ABM: Reference books, textbook
Language content: past tense
PSK Ting.2A
Tema.; Malaysia Negara Berdaulat
Tajuk: Sistem Demokrasi di Malaysia
Hasil Pembelajaran; Menghuraikan sistem demokrasi di Malaysia.
Kemahiran ; Mengamalkan dan mengekalkan sistem demokrasi
Nilai: Menghormati amalan demokrasi di Malaysia
Bahasa Inggeris Ting. 2D
Theme: Literature (Robinson Crusoe)
Topic: The Rising Action
Learning outcome: language for asethetic
Objectives: at the end of the lesson pupils are able to
1. tell the interesting action in the story
Lesson development: 1. point of view of readers
2. point of view of main character
Language content. past tense
Conclusion: written ex.
CCTS: compare and contrast
AVA: text book
Moral: determination